Minggu, 22 April 2018

Secrets of How to Show How Much You Love Him How Do I Show My Boyfriend I Really Love Him

Secrets of How to Show How Much You Love Him How Do I Show My Boyfriend I Really Love Him

Image source: http://www.hug2love.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/How-Much-I-Love-You-Poems-for-him-and-her-images.jpg

Secrets of How to Show How Much You Love Him How Do I Show My Boyfriend I Really Love Him

Do you really know what love means? Do you know how to love your husband unconditionally? Are you aware of the changes that this can bring in your relationship? Many women say they are in love as well as all wives say they love their husband. But do all of them truly understand what these 4-letter word means?

Women fall in love easily. They can fall in love with a man who meets their standards, with a man whom they thought is Mr. Right - and they can even fall in love with the idea of love. However, not all of them know how to express their love. Do you know how to show him how much you love him?

Expressing your unconditional love is challenging. It requires faith, trust, respect, ability to forgive and to not judge and all the important ingredients of what they call true love. If you think you have it all, then follow these tips and you will easily learn the art of expressing your love.

Tip #1: Love Yourself

You must know how to love yourself before you can love someone else. Loving yourself includes accepting your faults. You must understand that you are not perfect - all are because people are just human. You commit mistakes, you need support and encouragement and all the things that would make a person complete. To be able to love someone, you must know how to love yourself despite everything that you can't give and do.

What can you do to make your man crazy about you? Is it possible to make your man love you forever and ever?

To learn the killer, advanced strategies to make your man fall hopelessly in love and addicted to you, simply click here.

Tip #2: Be a Good Listener

Communicate with others and be a good listener. There is always something behind your husband's words. These are like codes that you need to decipher - you can only understand his feelings once you know what those words really mean. In order to be good at it, you need to communicate with other people and practice how to be a good listener. Sometimes, your husband needs someone who will listen to him and not somebody who will give him advice.

Tip #3: Love Him Unconditionally

When you were a child, you love your parents because they care for you and they are always at your side whenever you need them. Your parents punish you but still provide you with your wants and needs. Though you discovered that they are not perfect, your love for them never fade. That is what unconditional love is and that is the kind of love that you need to show your husband. Just like you, he is also a human who makes mistakes. Express your love by showing how much he means to you despite of his imperfection.

Tip #4: Learn to Forgive

It is never easy to forgive especially if the damage done is huge and serious. However, if you truly love this man, you will learn how to forgive him no matter what he did. It may not happen overnight but you will be able to forgive him. Once you do, your relationship will be better and stronger.

You can express your love in many simple ways although sometimes you will need to exert so much effort. However, every effort you make definitely worth's everything.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here.

Do you feel like there is something behind his gestures? Does he know exactly what will make you happy? Does he make you feel important? There is no doubt that he loves you. If a man can't say how much he loves his woman, he does everything that will make her feel happy. But the question is, do you love him too?

Some men can't say "I love you," that's why they have to do a lot of things like spending more time with the women they love, and treating her special. Do you notice him doing things like this? How will you let him know that you love him too if he can't directly say "I love you?"

Just like men, you can also express your love silently. This is not very difficult to do. Here are some things that you can do to let him know you love him too, and eventually prompt him to say "I love you."

Tip #1: Play His Favorite Sports

Learn how to play his favorite sport and enjoy weekends playing with him. If you think you can't handle his favorite sport, you can go to a sporting event which he likes the most. Buy ticket for two and surprise him. Ask him out when his favorite team plays and tell him you have a surprise for him. He will be speechless once he find out what your surprise is.

Tip #2: Send Him a Card

You know that he loves you when he sends you flowers, but he will know that you love him too if you will send him a card. Most women don't think that men would like to receive a card but they actually do. Whether it's a "thank you" card, a special card or whatever kind of card, he will definitely appreciate it.

Tip #3: Always Smile

You will notice him staring at you most of the time, and the best way to respond is to give him a sweet smile. Because he loves you, a simple smile is enough to melt his heart. This will also lead him to expressing his true feelings.

Tip #4: Give Him Simple Treats

Men also want to receive treats from their special someone. Remember how much you love to receive chocolates and flowers? That's the same thing that he feels when he receives a special treat from you. You can buy a shirt with his team logo on it, a new CD from his favorite band - anything that you know he'd like. This will send him the idea that you think about him.

Tip #5: Prepare His Favorite Dish

You can invite him for a friendly dinner at your place and cook his favorite meal. Since you already know that he loves you, make your dinner special by buying special wine and playing a romantic song. With all these, there is no doubt that you will hear him say "I love you" any minute. The next thing you know, "I love you, too" just came out of your lips.

He does everything for you because he loves you. Now, it's your turn to do something special to let him know that you love him, too.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

What do you know about the love pheromone? Do you have any clue as to what it is about? Irregardless of what you know, do you believe in them? There was once a famous individual named Napoleon Bonaparte who sent her loved one, Josephine, a note telling her not to wash. Many wonder as to why be that so. Hence, after a few scientific studies, scientist found out about love pheromones. You may not vividly see and understand what it's all about. Here are some tidbits about it and how they work.

1. Romantic attraction starts in the brain. Whether it is your best friend or the person you just met in the coffee shop, a relationship starts with the feeling of attraction. But how come we are attracted to one certain person and not to other people? Pheromones greatly play that role. It exists in humans wherein another person can detect them. For example, a guy's underarm scent is the human love pheromone. The brain seems to be detecting those things.

2. It is still a controversial item. The existence of these things in humans is still under debate. However, a study was conducted by Stern and McClintock about it and has claims that a scent of a person proves the existence of the so-called pheromones. They say that the vomeronasal organ can sense these things. It also includes its receptors as well as the terminal nerve endings located in the nostrils.

3. They are coined as the invisible social magnets. You wont' wonder why as to why they are coined as that. After all, it is some force that can relate to the social behavior of individuals. Many also consider it as the sex appeal. You will notice that you aren't attracted to the most handsome guy but instead you steam up to the guy who has so much sex appeal. When you come to think of it, it's an irony. The laws of attraction are completely different in the real life. Not even science could clearly explain about attraction.

4. It increases the sex drive of an individual. When one uses synthetic pheromones, they get a boost in their confidence. What is more is that, heterosexual males have increased sexual drive. They feel that they are attracted to women and in return, women get attracted to them. Both of them will feel an instant love connection. Let's just say that there is an increased approachability.

You may hear people saying that "their love is a good chemistry". That is because they have the same chemicals that are activated in the same areas of their brain. You can say that love is such an extraordinary experience. There's even science to it. Your brain plays an important role. After all, it is up to the brain as to whether or not to respond to the so-called chemicals of attraction. Although this hasn't been actually proven, many believe by it. There have been lots of scientific basis yet most scientists are still not contented. No matter what the outcome is, you have got to believe that there is one person meant for you. There is a person who is bound to get attracted to you.

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Click here to find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

Seaports, Port Types and Port Data

Seaports, Port Types and Port Data

Image source: http://www.engineersgarage.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/Original/wysiwyg_imageupload/4214/diffrent%20ports%204_0.jpg

Seaports, Port Types and Port Data

The general definition of a seaport is a harbour or town that is able to receive boats and ships and load and unload cargo. Other types of port include fishing ports, inland ports, dry ports, warm water ports, and cruise home ports. A seaport can generally be further divided into two types; cargo and cruise. For all types of port, for both ship and shore based personnel it is valuable to have access to comprehensive and accurate port data, databases and port guides.

Harbours are natural or manmade shelters for ships and boats. They need to be deep enough to accept the draft of large boats and ships. You would normally expect a port to sit within a harbour, the two are distinctly different. A natural harbour will on the most part be surrounded by land which will have a sheltering effect on the waters within. A good example of a natural harbour is San Diego Bay in the USA which is 12 miles long. Manmade harbors are constructed with seawalls and breakwaters and sometimes require dredging due to sedimentation of sand and mud. The world's largest artificial port is Rotterdam in the Netherlands which was also the world's busiest cargo port for many years up until 2004 when it was overtaken by Shanghai. A warm water port or ice free harbor is a port that does not freeze over in the winter such as Valdez in Mexico giving the advantage of year round use. Ice free harbors even exist in extremely cold places such as Winter Quarters Bay in Antarctica.

Fishing ports are normally commercial centres for the harbouring of fishing vessels and landing of catches. They may have been some of the first historical ports to develop. A good example is Brixham in England that has a history reaching back over 1000 years and was mentioned in the Domesday book.

An inland port is a port that can be situated on a river or lake and have canal or river access to the sea.

A dry port is an inland terminal used for cargo storage and transport exchange that may be situated near to a seaport but with additional road, rail and air links for continued distribution of goods.

Cruise home ports are embarkation/disembarkation points for cruise ships where they will also take on supplies for voyages. Miami in the USA is the world's busiest cruise port.

Cargo ports are ports that handle a wide range of goods such as Petrochemicals, dry goods, minerals, cars and grains. Some ports will specialise in a certain commodity such as natural gas. To accommodate the large draft of commercial cargo vessels these ports need deep water channels for entry and egress. Due to the difficulties of navigating port entry there is usually a tug or piloting service operated by the port authority. An important part of port navigation can be the availability of good port data. This is normally provided in the form of port guides, a port directory or database. These will usually offer the information required such as mooring diagrams, port plans and a ship's atlas.

Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Scale Train Modeling With The EMD GP7 Locomotive

Scale Train Modeling With The EMD GP7 Locomotive

Image source: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/361306309670-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

Scale Train Modeling With The EMD GP7 Locomotive

The EMD GP7 Model Train Locomotive is modeled after EMD GP7 built by Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. The GP7, built for both passenger and freight, was produced from 1949 to 1954. Nearly 2800 engines were built and painted in over 70 road-names. Many of these road names are available in the ho-scale. Those that are not leave a great opportunity for a custom painted model train engine.

The GP7 was the first train to use a hood design as apposed to the car-body design (that usually seen pulling passenger cars). This body design provided the GP7 and its predecessors with a cheaper hood, cheaper maintenance, and gave the engineer better visibility especially to the rear.

GP7 Description: Nicknamed "torpedo tubes" because of their long uniform shape the only exception being the slightly wider engineering cab. The service walkways are on the outside. Most GP7s have three sets of ventilation grills under the cab and two pair of grills at the end of the long hood. Above the fuel tank early GP7s had a solid skirt while the later models added access holes.

Some of the more popular road-names that used the GP7 during production years and are available in the ho-scale are the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (#100 #253), Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (#720 #731, #740 #746, #910 #922, #6405), Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (#5700 #5719, #5739 #5797, #5800 #5900), Chicago and North Western Railway (#1518 #1550, #1556 #1559, #1562 #1599, #1601 #1603, #1625 #1659), and Louisville and Nashville Railroad (#400 #440, #500 #514, #501 #502, #550 #552).

Numerous GP7s have been preserved and would make a great idea to model a model train layout after. Some preserved locomotives include the Central Railroad of New Jerseys GP7Ps, #1523 and #1524 owned by the United Railways Historical Society, the Chicago and North Western Railways #1518, the Illinois Terminal GP7 #1605 being preserved by the Illinois Railway Museum, and Western Pacific #705, #707 and #708 at the Western Pacific Railroad Museum.

Other GP-Series locomotives include the GP9 and GP18, similar in body to the GP7, GP15, GP18, GP20, GP28, GP30, GP35, GP38, GP39, GP40, GP49, GP50, GP59, GP60. There are also variation of each of these such as dummy or B-units.

Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. was originally the Electro-Motive Engineering Company founded in 1992 in Cleveland, Ohio and was purchased by GM in 1930 to become the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation. The company was finally sold in 2005 and became the Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. as it is today. At time the largest builder of locomotives in the world until it was overtaken by GE in the 1980s.

Nearly every locomotive created by EMD has been modeled into an ho-scale model train. The two most common series of model trains are the GP-Series and SD-Series model designations.

Running multiple trading accounts on MT4 FX trading

Running multiple trading accounts on MT4 FX trading

Image source: http://www.brokerreviews.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/MT4-übersicht-1024x614.jpg

Running multiple trading accounts on MT4 FX trading

MT4 is one of the most popular trading platform for over the internet online Forex trader. Many broker provides MT4 platform and it comes with charting and MQL programming for automated trading.

Metatrader 4

This software development works started from Metatrader 3 and MT4 was eventually released in 2005. It comes with client terminal, Mobile, server and data center manager. The widely used platform on PC is the Metatrader 4 client terminal.

Client Terminal

This software which are installed on windows operating system comes with real time data feed from brokerage server, able to demo trade and perform strategy analysis using strategy tester. It also comes with various trade operations (Buy, sell, stoploss, profit take, lot size, etc) and technical charting (indicator like SMA, CCI, RSI, etc). One of the key feature is the programming language (similar to C language) MQL that allow traders to program their strategy into computer program call expert advisor.

Expert Advisor (EA)

This is a program which can be compiled to run on MT4 as a standalone automated trading program. The EA is coded entirely using MQL4 languages and compiled debug using editor. Recent advancement in computer coding has enable multi-currency trading, hedging and signal mirroring to be programmed into a signal programming code software.
What if I have more then 1 account?

The problem surface when you are running more then 1 trading account which is often the case when you are running many demo account to tried out many Expert Advisor. As MT4 installation registered inside windows registry but it did not allocated shared resources for multi software running on the same operating system. In other words, you can copy the whole MT4 program folder and paste into another directory, and execute the terminal.exe. The window will treat this as a separate software and allocated individual resources to it. This is similar to running 2 copies of the software. Using this loophole, you can easily run 6 or 8 MT4 software with different trading accounts on a same PC.

VPS and shared dedicated server

I used the above trick and run 7 trading account on 7 separate metatrader4 software on VPS and shared dedicated server and found it to be running smoothly. The windows 2008 server operating system see each software as an entity and allocate individual resource to run it. Personally, I can run multiple account and charge trader usage of my Expert advisor including server maintenance fees. Am using build 209 at that time.

Multiple window login using background services

I never tried before but heard that if you enable back ground multitasking services and multi user login on linux platform which you can log in simultaneous using 2 or 3 user and run programs, you can effectively be running 7 programs x 3 users, total 21 trading account. If you charge a trade a fees for running expert advisor on their trading account, you have potentially 21 trading account you can load on to your VPS server.

Lastly, if you are running VPS or shared dedicated server, always setup auto-logging and auto-starting the MT4 program. I personally setup this way as when there is server reboot or unexpected power outage, when the power resume, upon server startup, will perform auto login and the program will automatically start and carry on the last trade order. This is just a trick that you need to know.

Source: http://www.bestforexranking.com

Rocket Dog Communication Marketing Meeting in Seattle a Success

Rocket Dog Communication Marketing Meeting in Seattle a Success

Image source: http://www.city-data.com/forum/attachments/great-debates/27953d1222573577-bering-strait-crossing-bering_strait_in_world_landbrige.jpg

Rocket Dog Communication Marketing Meeting in Seattle a Success

In Seattle Washington this evening, a business network meeting was held at Rocket Dog Communications, whos offices are right down across the street from the Seattle Ferry Terminal. The meeting was organized by the company owners, a husband and wife team, Michael and Susan Elliot. But it was promoted by an organization called "Lunch 2.0".

Rocket Dog is a pretty cool company. They have taken the stylized art of the 1950s and used it to brand their image. The Buck Rogers type "Rocket" theme is broadened to encompass a wider ranging 1950s Sci-Fi motif that has worked well for them. I remember reading somewhere that if you want to never go out of style, stick to the 1950s. Michael actually fits that style quite well in his formal suit with a blocky, powerful figure that reminds one of more streamlined times.

The gathering drew in excess of 50 professionals from disciplines ranging from circuit board prototyping, to staffing services, to financial consultants, and even a University of Washington Professor named Kathy Gill. She is an instructor in the field of Digital Communications, and was one of the most interesting and cerebral people that I was privileged to speak with. She advised me to read "The Tapping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell, and "Ted Talks" at ted.org. How often does one receive a reading assignment at a networking meeting? I took it as a great compliment and have already located and browsed the material.

Michael Elliot, the CEO of Rocket Dog Communications, was kind enough to speak publicly on the subject of staying relevant as marketing professionals in a down economy. His points were very well taken. One was that while the rest of the business community wrangles and agonizes about their failing investments, marketers are seeing one third to one half discounted rates in print and broadcast media. The opportunity for go-getters is real and exciting. Another hammer point was regarding Mobile Technology. He made the unarguable argument that there are actually more cellular phones on the market than there are people. He advised strongly that we should not leave that fact out of our marketing philosophy moving forward.

But business talk after a few glasses of wine (free wine) becomes old hat. As the roughly three hour event wound down and the snacks began to dwindle, the group began to disperse as well. We stayed a little late, talking with Susan about the up and coming maturation of video as an online audience drawing element. Susan was very gracious and easy to talk too. She even played a little guitar hero for us, and was surprisingly good at it.

We also spoke at length with Michael Elliott about the difference between a viral episode and a viral movement online. Though not focused on these themes in their business acumen, I was pleasantly surprised at the level of insight each of them had on these subjects.

All in all, the entire experience was a pleasant one. Rocket Dog Communications CEO and his wife were very knowledgeable in their expertise, and should I have need of media services, I will certainly entertain their proposal.

Jumat, 20 April 2018

Restore Mac to Factory Settings to Clean Install OS X Yosemite

Restore Mac to Factory Settings to Clean Install OS X Yosemite

Image source: https://i.stack.imgur.com/sB5cE.png

Restore Mac to Factory Settings to Clean Install OS X Yosemite

Mac OS Yosemite, the latest OS X version from Apple, bundles a heap of new and interesting features that make it one of the best Mac operating systems so far. Certainly, the majority of Apple users are willing to use the new features of this operating system. Thus, they will prefer upgrading to Yosemite from their existing Mac OS X version.

You can get Yosemite on your Mac either by performing a simple OS upgrade or through a clean install. A clean install is more suitable option as compared to simple OS upgrade as it gives you a chance to start from the scratch. You get a fresh copy of the OS X and an empty hard drive. Even the old apps and software get deleted, and the configuration modifications get restored to the default settings. Thus, you can freshly install your data, apps, and software. Here, you can get selective, and install what you need. Also, you can avoid installing the unused and unnecessary data/apps.

Before you decide to factory restore your Mac, the only thing you need to keep in mind is that you should always create the data backup of your old data. Creating the backup is important as the entire systems data gets erased, once you restore Mac to factory settings to perform an OS X clean install.  

Step 1: Create a Bootable Drive with OS X Yosemite on It

To install a fresh copy of OS X Yosemite, you require creating a bootable installation drive. For that, you can use an external hard drive, DVD or USB flash drive. To create the bootable drive with Yosemite installed on it, perform the following steps:

    Plug in an external drive to your computer.

    Open Disk Utility.

    From the sidebar, select the external hard drive.

    Next, click the Erase tab.

    Now, inside the format box, select Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

    Name it as Untitled.

    Next, click Erase. That will format the drive.

    Now, wait till the formatting gets over.

    Now, close Disk Utility.

    Then, open Terminal.

    Type in the following command:

    Wait for a few minutes, till you get the message Copy complete. Done.

With these steps, now you have a bootable installation drive with Mac OS X Yosemite installed on it. If you wish, then instead of creating the bootable drive, you can install the latest copy of Yosemite directly from the Apple App Store.

Step 2: Factory Reset Mac and Install OS X Yosemite

The next step involves the formatting of the hard drive through a factory reset, so that all the old apps, files, data and settings get deleted. And then the fresh copy of OS X gets installed. The newly installed operating system will bring along the default settings and default software/apps into your system. For restoring Mac to factory settings and installing Yosemite, perform the followings steps:

    Keep the external hard drive connected to your Mac.

    Reboot your computer.

    While it reboots, press Option/Alt key.

    That will bring up a menu, as shown below:

    Here, select the drive you just created (Install OS X Yosemite) by clicking on the arrow pointing upwards.

    That will open the OS X Utilities screen.

    Go up to the menu bar.

    Click on 'Utilities' > 'Disk Utility.'

    In the left-hand sidebar, click on your main hard drive.

    Next, click on the 'Erase' tab.

    In the Format field, select 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled).'

    Give the hard drive a name, the default name is Macintosh HD.

    Now, click the 'Erase' button in the lower-right corner.

    That will format the hard drive and restore the system to factory settings.

    Now, close the 'Disk Utility' window.

    That will bring you back to 'Install OS X' screen.

    Click 'Continue' to initiate the installation of the fresh copy of 'OS X Yosemite.'

    Then, just follow the installer to get the OS X Yosemite installed.


Thus, if you are planning to install Yosemite, one of the best Mac operating systems, then it is better to go for a clean install, rather than performing a simple OS X upgrade. Before you clean install the Yosemite, restore Mac to factory settings. That will wipe out the hard drive, software/apps and restore the configuration to default settings. Thus, restoring Mac to factory settings provides you an opportunity to transform your old Mac into a new-like Mac.

Responsible Battery Disposal

Responsible Battery Disposal

Image source: https://www.duracell-me.com/upload/sites/23/2016/07/info2-desktop-1024x338.jpg

Responsible Battery Disposal

You can use a multimeter to check whether the batteries are still holding a charge or not anymore. Finding out if the battery is still in perfect condition to be used is not difficult if you have a multimeter. Try using the multimeter and if the voltage is lower than what is being stated on the battery, then you should replace it. Here are easy steps to find out if the battery can still be used:

Inspect the battery to find out if it is rechargeable. If so, then you have to charge the batteries using a battery charger. See to it that the batteries you have are rechargeable. The instant they are already full, take them off the battery charger. Keep from overcharging your battery since this can cause damage.

Now set your multimeter in place in DC volts setting. Next, you should connect the positive lead to the positive terminal and the negative lead on to the negative terminal. Verify the result from the multimeter and do a comparison of the actual numbers from the voltage rating of the battery to this number, and you will see whether the battery is still usable or not anymore. If the result is lower than the voltage rating, then it only denotes that it's time to buy a new battery.

Most, if not all batteries usually do not contain mercury or cadmium, which make them safe to toss in to the non-biodegradable trash. But, it is still safer to give them to recycling centers for better disposal.

Batteries that are used for vehicles usually are crafted from lead acid. So, it can be harmful to the environment. Do not forget that lead acid is a deadly chemical so you need to be responsible enough to properly get rid of such batteries.

When throwing out batteries, it is important to dispose of them in a proper way in order to avoid polluting the environment. Some specific states have specified laws on how to get rid of batteries. Keep in mind your local state's regulations regarding proper battery disposal. You can also try to find out if there are any recycling centers in your area. Aside from that, it is possible to sell or donate your batteries there for proper waste disposal. If not, the dangerous chemicals from the battery could leak into the ground and could possibly pollute the water.

Also, when getting a battery, it is a good idea that you choose a rechargeable one. This will likely cost somewhat more than disposable batteries but at least there is no need to buy again and again. Also, you're going to be helping the environment.

Secrets of How to Show How Much You Love Him How Do I Show My Boyfriend I Really Love Him

Image source: http://www.hug2love.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/How-Much-I-Love-You-Poems-for-him-and-her-images.jpg Secrets of How to Show...