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Choose a car battery by inspecting a few important parameters
Without a strong and sturdy car battery, you cant expect a smooth riding. Car batteries dont need regular replacement, in fact, in a lifetime of a car, owners need to replace the batteries 2-3 times on an average. It is a big investment too, hence, the car owners need to have a good knowledge on different brands and important features of the batteries before buying the most suitable ones for their cars. It is also true that a perfectly compatible battery can keep a car smooth and strong for a pretty long time.
Buying the best battery
While buying a battery, a car owner needs to keep attention on the following aspects:
The battery should be fit with the car as also meet the driving needs of the car owner. You should look for the size and correct terminal location and terminal type for your car. For this, you need to check the brands manual or check online to know about the perfect battery types for your car. In a popular car battery showroom, you will get necessary information from a battery expert.
Look at the features to understand whether the battery you are intending to purchase is suitable for the weather condition and your riding habit. This is very critical in warmer and humid areas. With the rising temperature batteries also get exhausted quickly. Only a warm weather withstanding battery can combat the weather condition and last longer without any maintenance.
Whether a battery will be able to perform well in cold weather and suitable for a long drive in a hot weather can be understood from its cold-cranking amp (CCA) test and reserve capacity (RC) test. The CCA rating shows the amps a 12-volt battery can deliver at 0 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 seconds. On the other hand, RC measurement determines how long a full-changed battery at 80 degrees Fahrenheit can discharge at 25 amps before falling down to 10.5 amps.
It is true that every car battery loses strength with time. It is true even when it is stored in a showroom. So, always try to purchase a battery that is not more than 6 moths old. Get knowledge on how to decode the manufacturing date. You will get plenty of information from the internet. At the same time, a reputed seller will never deceive a customer in this matter.
Look at the warranty too. In fact, in this aspect, the best brands in the market are always locked horned. They are trying to extend the free-replacement period and prorated warranties more than their competitors. So, it is necessary for you to compare this aspect of the batteries before selecting the best one for your car. In a free-replacement period, the company replaces the battery if any problem occurs, while in a prorated warranty period some part of the repairing cost born by the buyer.
Car batteries are available in two major categories Lead acid batteries and Absorbed glass mat batteries. Both have some pros and cons. You need to follow the tips mentioned above to meet your needs and keep your car battery run smoothly even in an adverse weather condition.
Author's Bio:
Myself Surya working as a freelancer for beauty products and automobile care websites and apps. Most of the beauty products are skin whitening creams and skin whitening pills. App i promote 9apps