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is cancer curable?
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has investigated the spiritual aspect of cancer disease and the probability of its cure by introducing spiritual healing remedies.
If lets say there are 10 cancer patients, what are their chances of being cured by spiritual healing remedies? The interplay between the various viewpoints is complex and no one factor can be viewed in isolation. With regards to the 10 cancer patients, following are some perspectives that need to be taken into consideration when looking at their chances of being cured from cancer through spiritual healing remedies.
1. Role of destiny as a causative factor for cancer and the corresponding amount of spiritual practice required
Life threatening illnesses like cancer are invariably destined. Destiny, as the root cause, is spiritual in nature and hence can be fully overcome only through adequate spiritual practice which is a basic type of spiritual healing. Spiritual practice either nullifies destiny, in which case the cancer is cured, or helps insulate a person from destiny of anguish due to cancer.
2. Cancer may be due to:
a. Mild destiny: Early diagnosis of cancer with good prognosis of recovery. Requires a moderate amount (4-5 hours a day) of spiritual practice on a regular basis.
. Moderate destiny: Cancer detected later when organic changes have well set in. Requires intense amount of spiritual practice (10-12 hours a day) on a regular basis.
. c. Severe destiny: . Cancer detected late after irreversible changes have set in and has terminal prognosis. Requires intense spiritual practice for a long time and the grace of a Saint or God.
. 3. Time of beginning spiritual practice.
It is always advisable to initiate the spiritual practice early in life as a preventive measure against cancer. Depending on the time when one begins spiritual practice, one can either avoid a destined illness like cancer altogether or substantially reduce its intensity, which is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of spiritual practice done in relation to the severity of destiny.
4. Has organ degeneration occurred?
If organ degeneration has occurred, in almost all cases the changes cannot be reversed with spiritual remedies. The intensity of the illness can however reduce.
5. Give-and-take account with the doctor
By give and take account we mean sum total of positive and negative interplay of actions between two individuals as per the Law of Action (Karma). If the give-and-take account is negative, the doctor may overlook key aspects of the patients cancer thus extending the suffering. This is also why sometimes a patient can become even more ill which we may see as negligence on the doctors part. If the account is very positive then it would seem that the doctor has a golden touch. The give-and-take account is also the reason why we choose a certain doctor over another.
1. All major life threatening illnesses like cancer have a spiritual root cause and are destined.
2. The factors affecting cure of cancer are complex and understanding of modern medical science is limited to the physical and psychological dimension.
3. Complementing medical treatment with spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies enhances cure rates or in cases of severe destiny at least helps to reduce the intensity of the illness.
100% cure is possible if both:
100% specific diagnosis of the spiritual root cause is done.
100% specific spiritual healing remedy is applied in required quantity and for the required time.