Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

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Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

Digital phone lines and analog credit card machines don't mix. I'm sure you have heard it time and time again for your credit card processing companies tech support. It's extremely frustrating to have a line out the door and a credit card machine that isn't able to connect to the authorization line. Unfortunately it's something that merchants deal with around the country.

Why don't digital phone lines and analog credit card machines play well?

Digital subscriber lines, also known as DSL offer high-speed connectivity, broadband cable Internet for business and associated communications technologies such as Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) - is common today. Today, most phone service providers only offer VoIP telephone services. VoIP converts analog audio signals into digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet. Since VoIP is intended to be transparent to the user, using a dial-up, point-of-sale terminal to process transactions over this connection is not only difficult to identify, but it is also difficult to support and may not be secure.

Modem Issues Cause by Using Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines

Because VoIP does not utilize the TCP protocol, delivery of all packets is not guaranteed and retries do not occur unless you re-run the transaction when using digital phones lines and analog credit card machine. Under normal voice usage circumstances, drops in information on the line are compensated for by the human factor, i.e., the human on the other end of the call will ask you to repeat something if they didn't hear it. In the event of a credit card transaction, a host computer accepting the transaction, which may or may not be complete, occupies the other end of the call. That host computer is unable to fill in the blanks of an incomplete transaction the way a human can understand words over a distorted line. Incomplete transactions are the result of modem errors.

So Whats the Solution?

Digital subscriber lines (DSL) and VoIP, are cheaper alternatives to a dial-up business line, both in lower monthly fees and the lines eliminate usage fees; and are attractive telecomm solutions for small businesses. Due to major issues caused by digital phone systems, you have very limited options.

Depending on your phone service provider, you may be able to have an analog phone line installed. Although only a few telecomm companies are still installing these lines. If your telecomm company doesn't offer this option, AT&T may be able to assist you. Purchase an IP/Ethernet based communication terminal such as the VX520, VX570, or T4220IP. If you would rather go for a virtual terminal, you can use a payment gateway from companies like or

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