Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Film Review The Truman Show

Film Review The Truman Show

Image source: https://topyxyz.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/the-truman-show.jpg

Film Review The Truman Show

Jim Carrey stars as Truman Burbank alongside Ed Harris (Christof) and Laura Linney (Meryl Burbank) in The Truman Show. Truman Burbank has been a reality TV star since the day he was born. Unfortunately for Truman he has no idea he is famous. Truman's life has been broadcast to millions of loyal viewers since the day he was born. Truman lives in a studio that is completely enclosed to the outside world so that the director, Christof, can have complete control. Everyone that Truman encounters, including his wife Meryl, are actors in his world and perform their parts each and every day.

The movie begins with Truman in his late 30s wanting desperately to explore the world outside of his surroundings. Although his friends try desperately to convince him there is nothing out there Truman wants to explore. It doesn't take long before Truman begins to realize that there are motivations behind his friends and family not wanting him to leave. His suspicions increase when he discovers his surroundings are a bit more predictable than they should be. When he picks up a movie light that fell from the sky he begins to question everything, including the buildings in downtown not having interiors.

Truman eventually comes to the conclusion that his freedom is more important than his friends and families wishes for him to stay. Without giving away the end of the movie it ends brilliantly with a confrontation between Truman and Christof.

The Truman Show represents an early depiction of where reality television will most likely go. The Truman Show was written by the talented Andrew Niccol (The Terminal, Gattaca) and was directed by Peter Weir (Dead Poets Society). The two did an amazing job telling a great story but also giving the viewers something to think about as they walked out of the theater.

The Truman Show received three Oscan nominations for Best Director (Peter Weir), Best actor in a supporting role (Ed Harris) and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Andrew Niccol). Both Ed Harris and Jim Carrey were recognized with Golden Globes for their roles in the film.

If you are in search of one of the best Jim Carrey films that will entertain you and make you think check out The Truman Show. If you are a fan of Jim Carrey learn more about all of his movies with the complete Jim Carrey filmography that highlights all of his works through 2010. If you want to see how the actor got his start check this article on early Jim Carrey movies.

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