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Youve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind.
In the real world, youll find its not so simple.
While we are strong proponents of positive thinking and we believe you can make the most of your life by changing what you can and how you view that which you cant change, conscious thought is only part of what influences your life.
It sounds easy, doesnt it? Just think positive thoughts.
One major problem with it is your subconscious mind. Weve learned a tremendous amount over the years about how the subconscious mind works through our study of handwriting analysis, hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression. Your subconscious mind will generate thoughts all on its own through the ever present, hidden fears, defenses, and biases. You can detach from those thoughts through meditation, and work with them through hypnosis, subliminal audios, and past life regression, but since the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, its not always possible to rise above them.
The process of thinking positive thoughts also competes with what your heart, intuition, or higher-self actually believes or knows to be true.
For example, if youre intuiting that theres no way youre going to change your bosss mind, and thats how it turned out in the end, thinking positive thoughts is futile, unless the positive thoughts are for accepting what you cant change and working instead on what you can change.
Below we ask seven questions that indicate thinking positive thoughts only creates some of your reality.
1. Did children in the hospital (or their parents) battling terminal diseases create that reality through their thinking?
2. Did Syrian war refugees create their current reality through their thinking?
3. Did rape victims think about rape too much, thus manifest it?
4. Will preaching mind over matter to a paranoid schizophrenic cure her of her mental disease?
5. Did generations of poor people in developing nations think their way into poverty?
6. Did a lack of happy thoughts create a record high murder rate in the summer of 2015 in the city of Chicago?
7. Are plane crashes the result of too many passengers not thinking positive thoughts about arriving safely at their destination?
Our long-term findings show that positive thinking, although important, takes a back seat to the unforeseen and predestined (positive and negative) events and circumstances in your life. No matter what you think, you can work with fate, but you cant cheat it.
Were asked sometimes why we focus on fate to the extent that we do. We want you to avoid being unexpectedly disappointed or hurt by the sometimes vicious hand of fate, and we frown on New Age opportunists selling escapist myths packaged as truth.
It may seem depressing at first, but in order to make the most of your life, you need to first do four things:
1. Avoid the anything is possible, you can do anything mind-set, beyond the occasional daydreaming or dream-castling about your aspirations and goals. Why? Because when you are at least moderately realistic about your goals, youll avoid wasting time and setting yourself up for major disappointment, or worse.
2. Accept that there are many things in your life that you cant change, such as how others think and act. Whatever it is you want to manifest through conscious creation and, or the law of attraction, if your goal depends on the behavior of others, think again. You may be able to persuade a million people to buy your new software app if that type of success is part of your predestination, but if not, it wont happen (or if it does youll eventually experience a reversal of fortune), and theres nothing spiritual about attempting to control and manipulate others.
3. Get to know yourself. Self-knowledge, including your subconscious strengths, fears, and defenses (which are outlined superbly by handwriting analysis), along with your timing (which is outlined terrifically by comprehensive astrology and numerology), allows you to prepare for lifes inevitable challenges and get the most out of the rewarding phases in your life.
4. Make an effort to react to people and events as positively (or neutrally) as you can whenever possible. Strive to remain detached and compassionate. This will help to stop creating any additional difficult karma for the future.
The notion that thoughts create 100% of your reality is deceptively comforting. Like all delusions, youll find that it eventually crashes against the rocks of reality. Children like to believe that Santa can leave whatever they want under the tree, but eventually they grow out of that fantasy.
Alas, you can prepare for lifes challenges and make the most of your fate, and its up to you how you view that which you cant change.
Copyright Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo