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No other form of Alternative Therapy has caused more controversy than Psychic Surgery. It has been tested and analysed by scientists on numerous occasions. Proved genuine, then proved quackery.. and the controversy still rages.
I have personally worked with over 40 different surgeons since 1997 and I have only retained 4. These 4 I believe to be genuine. The others I let go of as they either were cheating, were not powerful enough or were unethical. Be very careful if you go to Philippines on your own. Most people who have tried this came back disappointed.
The most tested of Psychic surgeons still alive today is Jun Labo. American and Japanese doctors have tested him genuine on numerous occasions and a film staring Burt Lancaster was shot proving that Jun is genuine. The film was banned one week after release and the controversy still rages about Jun's gift.
Psychic Surgery is Impossible I am often told. Yes, but only according to modern scientific beliefs. What happens cannot be explained rationally. But then 100 years ago who would have believed that you could talk to somebody the other side of the earth using a mobile phone. How do images appear on your TV screen? I cannot explain this?
How is Psychic Surgery performed?
Basically, a Psychic Surgeon enters a person's body using his / her bare hands and manually removes diseased tissues, tumours, calcium deposits, pus etc.. painlessly from the patient's body, coming out without leaving any visible marks or scars.
No drugs are used and the person, in most cases, does not feel any discomfort. When a pain is felt it is usually because the part of the body where the surgery takes place was already sensitive or that the person tensed up during the surgery. The wound heals immediately and the person is able to resume a normal life within a few minutes.
When you ask a Psychic Surgeon to explain his work, he will tell you (in most cases) that he does not perform the surgery but that the Holy Spirit channels him.
Is Psychic Surgery only practised in the Philippines?
It is true that there are more Psychic Surgeons in the Philippines than anywhere else in the world. Their concentration in the Philippines is observed in Manila, Pangasinan, Baguio and Cebu.
Many theories have been suggested to explain this:
1. The concentration of Spiritist churches that train healers and psychic surgeons is unique to the Philippines.
2. Filipinos believe in spirits that they call "anitos". They also believe in nature spirits that inhabits every part of the habitat (mountains, caves, rivers etc..). This makes communication with the spirit world much more natural than it does for the rest of us.
3. The Philippines lies on top of the sunken continent of Lemuria. Lemurians had advanced psychic powers and intuition. The Filipinos have inherited these qualities.
4. Poverty is rampant in the Philippines; many cannot seek medical care, and have to rely heavily on local healers.
However, some form of Psychic Surgery has also been documented in the Amazons, Brazil, Indonesia and Africa. What conditions can be treated? The following represents only a few examples of conditions I have seen treated by the various Bare Hand Surgeons I visit:
* Seven years ago, Bare Hand Surgery was performed on a friend of mine suffering from Parkinson's disease. This successfully stopped the progression of the disease for many years.
* A Psychic surgeon cleared "growths" from around my prostate. He then left a Kleenex tissue inside my body overnight to prevent the seeping of blood back in the testicles (I could feel the tissue inside me).
* I had a 12" tumour removed from my large intestines. I was eating a normal meal half an hour later.
* A surgeon cleared the ovaries and fallopian tubes of a patient.
* Another patient had 12 feet of growth removed from his colon. He had been suffering from IBS for years. IBS is now gone.
* I had 42 tumours removed from my liver over a period of two weeks in September 2001. This was witnessed by 5 participants.
* The eyes of a person suffering from cataracts where "cleaned"
* One member of our group had growths that were attached to her spine removed. This lady had had problems moving her head fully and had suffered from chronic pains in her shoulders for many years. The instant improvement to the head was obvious and her shoulder pains have now completely disappeared. Months of physical therapy had previously had very little impact.
* One surgeon removed many diseased tissues from another group member. This man was gradually losing the use of his hand and arm and the left side of his body was slowly being paralysed. He is now well and full of energy.
* I witnessed two different Bare Hand Surgeons successfully remove deep brain tumours from two different patients.
* A "goitre" was cleared from a man's throat
* One surgeon removed numerous tumours from the reproductive organs of a patient who was suffering from terminal cancer. This person is now feeling alright
* One surgeon cleaned the arteries around the heart of a patient
* etc... etc... the list is too long to mention.
Most of this has been filmed and can be seen on videotape.
Basically, Bare Hand Surgeons do not specialise in any specific disease. They work with "energy" on everything presented to them.
Is there any guarantee of success?
I strongly recommend that you seek medical advice and care for any medical condition from which you may suffer.