Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Growing Plumeria Cuttings And Plumeria Plants With The Egg Method

Growing Plumeria Cuttings And Plumeria Plants With The Egg Method

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Growing Plumeria Cuttings And Plumeria Plants With The Egg Method

Plumeria cuttings which are planted using the egg method correctly develop a massive root system in record time. It is no longer necessary to sacrifice any inflorescences that develop during the rooting process. Inflorescences and roots develop simultaneously.

Plumeria plants which are planted applying the egg method correctly show lush growth and massive flower production. The keeping quality of the flowers increases as well which means the flowers stay fresh longer.

But what exactly is the egg method which has been used in agriculture for many years to increase the production of vegetables?

The egg method which is based on anaerobically fermenting eggs and probiotics not only benefits plumeria cuttings and plumeria plants but many other tropical plants as well, including bananas, gingers, heliconias, hibiscus and many more.

The egg itself is one powerhouse of nutrients.

The egg shell which has about 9000 pores serves as a permeable membrane for nutrients and moisture. 95% of the egg shell is made up of calcium carbonate. Minerals, such as calcium phosphate and magnesium carbonate make up the remaining 5%.

The albumen is made up of 90% water and seven major proteins as stated by the Department of Agricultures National Nutrient Database. The albumen in fresh eggs contains carbon dioxide which passes through the egg shell as the egg ages. 50 mg of Sulfur are contained in the albumen.

All vitamins found in an egg are contained in the egg yolk, including several B-vitamins as well as vitamin A, D, and E. The egg yolk also contains many antioxidants and trace amounts of Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other metals. In addition, the egg yolk contains about 25 mg of Sulfur.

According to Biofeed Probiotics plant stimulants, plant hormones, are produced during the metabolism of some bacteria, yeasts, molds, and cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae and blue-green bacteria.

These plant stimulants, plant hormones, include auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, florigen and salicylic acid.

Auxins are named for the greek word auxein meaning to grow or to increase. Auxins were the first of the major plant hormones to be discovered. How auxins are distributed within plants is one major factor for plant growth. The distribution of auxins throughout plants is accomplished by the well executed transport of auxin molecules. Auxins usually work with or against other plant hormones that is most advantageous for the plant.

Gibberellins were first discovered by Eiichi Kurosawa, a Japanese scientist, in 1926. Gibberellins stimulate budding, cell elongation, dormancy, flowering and seed germination.

Cytokinins promote cell division in plant roots and shoots. This process is called cytokinesis. The effects of cytokinins were first discovered by Swedish born plant physiologist Folke Skoog at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Cytokinins are involved in many plant processes, including cell division, root and shoot development. Cytokinins are known to regulate axillary bud growth, lateral or side shoots. In addition, cytokinins also affect apical dominance which is the inhibition of growth of lateral buds, side shoots, by the terminal bud of a plant shoot.

Cytokinins are usually produced in roots, young fruits and seeds. The balance of cytokinins and auxins determines what regenerates.

Florigen was first described in 1937 by Mikhail Chailakhyan, a Russian scientist. Florigen molecules, produced in the leaves, are responsible for controlling flowering in plants.

Salicylic acid, which is used for rooting, derives its name from the Latin word salix meaning willow tree. Salicylic acid plays part in plants photosynthesis, transpiration and resistance to pathogens which are bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause diseases.

All these processes are important to understand how plumeria and tropical plants develop.

An exact scientific defined process of the egg method, when correctly applied, is not clearly written in a scientific formula anywhere. But the phenomenal results speak for themselves.

Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba - Caribbean Charter Flights

Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba - Caribbean Charter Flights

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Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba - Caribbean Charter Flights

Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba

Thinking of a hip way to spend your holidays in Cuba? Maybe you should spend the weekend at Holguin.

The fourth largest city in Cuba, Holguin City is the capital of Holguin province. It was founded as San Isidro de Holguin, paying tribute to its founder Captain Garcia Holgiun, a Spanish military officer. Holguin is a great city to explore and is home to famous artists Manny Vazquez and Eglise Gutirrez and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Oscar Hijuelos.

Boasting white, pristine beaches and lush greenery, Holguin appeals to every type of tourist. From the deep sea to the high peaks, this province offers a picturesque appreciate of nature. Heres top 5 things you should do when you get to this wonderful province:

1. Get tanned under the sun. The province boasts about 50 beaches that covers close to 40 km of coastline. If you are more adventurous, you can try wide range of activities at Playa Esmeralda Beach and Guardalavaca Beach where you can swim, sail, dive and do other water sports.

2. Climb the top of Loma de la Cruz. If you liking hiking, you should climb up the 465 steps of this historic hill. In 1790, a cross was put up believing that it would stop the drought. Every year, groups organize pilgrimage to the top of the hill for a special mass.

3. Stroll around the City parks. The city of Holguin is known for its beautiful parks. In the oldest part of the city you will find straight but narrow streets, public squares, museums and churches which dates as far back as the 18th century.

4. Tour a cigar factory. Part of the Cuban experience is a tour to a cigar factory. There you will have a sneak peek of what it is like to assemble the best cigars in the world. To get into one, make sure you join a tour. Dont trespass.

5. Ride a vintage car. Like visiting a cigar factory, going around on a vintage car is one of the most authentic Cuban experience. The country used to be the largest importer of American vehicles before the Cuban Revolution in the 50s.

If you are planning a trip to Holguin, we know its the best to fly with Caribbean Charter Flights. Committed to high standards of service, we offer tailored quotations for you. We only hire the best pilots and inflight crew to ensure high quality operations and we make sure that everything has been ironed out, from planning to the moment you get off the plane at your destination. All you need is to relax and wait for your arrival. We got it all for you.

Frank Pas Airport (HOG)

A small-sized international airport, Frank Pas Airport serves the city of Holguin in Cuba. Located 13 km southwest of the city of Holguin, it is named after the Cuban revolutionary Frank Pais. The airport has two terminals one that serves international flights while the other is a small domestic terminal. Most airport facilities are found in the main international terminal.


New York Cuba
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Contact at +1 (844) 900-0747 or to book private flights to Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba
Miami cuba
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Contact at +1 (844) 900-0747 or to book private flights to Flying to and from Holguin, Cuba.

Author's Bio: 

Your door to door private Caribbean Charter Flights services to the Caribbean islands. Travel at your own schedule, as a VIP you decide when to fly not us!

Five Tips For Every Business Traveler

Five Tips For Every Business Traveler

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Five Tips For Every Business Traveler

With millions flying within the US and internationally every day for key business engagements, it is important to be prepared and ready to make the most of your own business trip.

Stay organized and follow these five tips to turn any business flight into the best air time you've had.

Tip 1: Travel programs
All frequent fliers should consider joining a travel program business travelers or not. Business travelling can be tiring and stressful at times, so make sure that you are getting the most out of your flight. Get those airmiles logged and reap the benefits of flight upgrades, access to priority check in and free flights. 

Tip 2: Packing
For men and women, overpacking business wear is the most common travel mistake. Learning the art of traveling light will change your life - less to carry, less to stow, less to worry about. Always check:

What is the weather like at your destination?
How long is the trip?
What type of events will you be attending? Do you need to be smart, casual and/or smart-casual?

For formal occasions or conferences, you'll want dress to impress but that often means packing a range of outfits or accessories. Losing thse valuables or breaking delicate jewelry in clothes happens all too often in suitcases. Store all valuables in separate containers, like strong jewelry boxes for women or structured travel cases for men, to reduce potential breakages and also keep your choice accessories to a set size.

Tip 3: Hand Luggage

Of all the aeroplane horror stories, lost luggage is one of the worst for business travel - and it happens all too often. So utilize your hand luggage efficiently and you can be sure you wont get caught in an airport with no change of clothes or important documents you will be needing for the trip. Keep a light change of smart clothes in your hand luggage and any important documents that you cant risk losing, like visas, your passport, and your all-important work documents.

For men, a light breathable yet smart shirt and pants can easily fit into a backpack. For women, the same light wear work though a dress may be easier and less to pack into your handbags if that's your style.

Tip 4: Stay Healthy

Constantly travelling can tire the body and immune system, so staying hydrated and eating your greens will give you those much-needed vitamins. There may be fast food outlets everywhere in the terminal but avoid at all costs. Keep it light, making it easier for digestion, plus you wont feel so bloated after landing.

Long haul flights and sitting for just a long period of time in a pressurized space can cause stiffness and achiness. If the situation allows, try getting up and walking up and down the cabin aisle. Simple stretches that engage your leg muscles, like contracting the calf muscles, can ease the stiff feeling. 

Tip 5: Flight time = Your time

Use the flight time to relax and gather your thoughts before the meeting. Feel free to go over meeting notes, however, try not to overdo it take some time out! Take a book or watch a movie to relax and take your mind away from all things business. Also, take the time in your flight to read up on the destination you are flying to this will make for some good conversation starters.

Finally, enjoy the trip! These trips are great opportunties to get to know your clients or work colleagues. Just follow these simple tips and there's no reason why business can't also be pleasure.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Financial Advice Benefit on New Zealand Life Insurance Policies

Financial Advice Benefit on New Zealand Life Insurance Policies

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Financial Advice Benefit on New Zealand Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies are quite simple - a standard policy will pay the chosen lump sum in the event that the insured person passes away or is terminally ill. Usually there are other options that can be added to a life insurance policies (for example so that the insured sum would be paid out in the event of major illness, rather than just death or terminal illness), however the basic design of life insurance policies tend to be very similar across insurers.

However life insurance NZ plans can have some minor variations. Mostly these variations will be in the form of which additional built-in benefits the plan offers. Examples of these types of benefits are a special events increase option (which allows you to increase your life insurance sum in the event that you experience certain life events - like having a child or buying a house) or a bereavement support benefit (which is an early payment made by the insurer to help with funeral or other final costs. Most insurers offer this, however the size of the early payment can vary). Another common built-in benefit that life insurance NZ plans offer is a financial advice benefit. We will take a look at how this works below.

The concept behind a financial advice benefit is quite straightforward. If a life insurance claim needs to be made, the sum paid out by the life insurance company will often be relatively large. For many people the life insurance sum will be the largest amount of money that they have ever received and deciding how to use the sum can be difficult. For example, depending on their situation, the recipient of the money might need to decide whether to pay off a mortgage, or save for retirement, or pay for a childs education.

In this type of situation, receiving advice on the best use of the New Zealand life insurance sum can be important. For this reason the recipient will often decide to use a Financial Adviser to assist in evaluating the different options available and choosing which to pursue. Also, in many cases the use of the New Zealand life insurance sum can require the advice of a lawyer.

To assist with costs like hiring a Financial Adviser or lawyer to provide advice, many life insurance companies will offer a financial advice benefit. This will be an additional sum (so it is paid on top of the insured life insurance amount), commonly of around $1,500 to $2,500. The insurer will reimburse the life insurance recipient an amount up to this limit to pay for costs incurred with accessing financial or legal advice.

There are usually limits on claiming under a financial advice benefit. For example the claim for costs will usually need to be made within a certain period of time following the payment of the New Zealand life insurance policies lump sum. Also any advice that you do receive needs to be regarding the use of the life insurance NZ sum paid to you by the insurance company (rather than general information for example). However even with these types of conditions, a financial advice benefit is very simple to access and can be a very useful addition to a life insurance NZ policy. So, while you would probably not choose a life insurance policy simply because it has this type of provision on it, if you are comparing two policies that are the same in other regards (for example financial stability, cost, etc) and one life insurance NZ plan offers this type of benefit while the other does not, then this could be the kind of benefit that makes you choose one New Zealand life insurance plan over another.

Film Review The Truman Show

Film Review The Truman Show

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Film Review The Truman Show

Jim Carrey stars as Truman Burbank alongside Ed Harris (Christof) and Laura Linney (Meryl Burbank) in The Truman Show. Truman Burbank has been a reality TV star since the day he was born. Unfortunately for Truman he has no idea he is famous. Truman's life has been broadcast to millions of loyal viewers since the day he was born. Truman lives in a studio that is completely enclosed to the outside world so that the director, Christof, can have complete control. Everyone that Truman encounters, including his wife Meryl, are actors in his world and perform their parts each and every day.

The movie begins with Truman in his late 30s wanting desperately to explore the world outside of his surroundings. Although his friends try desperately to convince him there is nothing out there Truman wants to explore. It doesn't take long before Truman begins to realize that there are motivations behind his friends and family not wanting him to leave. His suspicions increase when he discovers his surroundings are a bit more predictable than they should be. When he picks up a movie light that fell from the sky he begins to question everything, including the buildings in downtown not having interiors.

Truman eventually comes to the conclusion that his freedom is more important than his friends and families wishes for him to stay. Without giving away the end of the movie it ends brilliantly with a confrontation between Truman and Christof.

The Truman Show represents an early depiction of where reality television will most likely go. The Truman Show was written by the talented Andrew Niccol (The Terminal, Gattaca) and was directed by Peter Weir (Dead Poets Society). The two did an amazing job telling a great story but also giving the viewers something to think about as they walked out of the theater.

The Truman Show received three Oscan nominations for Best Director (Peter Weir), Best actor in a supporting role (Ed Harris) and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Andrew Niccol). Both Ed Harris and Jim Carrey were recognized with Golden Globes for their roles in the film.

If you are in search of one of the best Jim Carrey films that will entertain you and make you think check out The Truman Show. If you are a fan of Jim Carrey learn more about all of his movies with the complete Jim Carrey filmography that highlights all of his works through 2010. If you want to see how the actor got his start check this article on early Jim Carrey movies.

Facilities of Kingfisher Red Airlines

Facilities of Kingfisher Red Airlines

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Facilities of Kingfisher Red Airlines

Kingfisher Red airlines previously known as Air Deccan or Simplifly Deccan is budget friendly and low cost airline that is subsidiary of kingfisher Airline. This airline was established in the year 2003 with the aim to allow every Indian citizen to fly. All staffs have set very high standards for itself in bringing air travelling within the reach of Indian majorty. The new tagline of air line The choice is simple and old logo of the Deccan replaced with the Kingfishers logo. This prestigious airline operates flights to about 70 varied destinations across India with 540 flights connecting to them. In accumulation to its fleet of 30ATR aircrafts, kingfisher red has lately got hold of an entirely new fleet of 49 Airbus A320 aircrafts. The airlines major head quarters are placed at HAL Bangalore international airport and it also has a secondary hub at Chennai International airport.

Operating about 3337 flights daily, Kingfisher Red goes the extra mile to guarantee customer satisfaction. Snacks, beverages and overall hot and filling food is served abroad the airline as part of affordable in flight meal services. They even offer usage of Kingfishers airport counters to check in and offers commute between the terminal and aircraft using AC buses of Kingfisher Airlines.

The services offered by Kingfisher Red Airlines are unparallel and they position proudly among the most sought after domestic airlines of the country. Along with personal assistance in handling of baggage and boarding, it also offers personal and limited lounges with personal space on demand audio/video with additional tailored screens, relaxed therapeutic massage seats and world of tempting cuisine from around the world. There is abundant other features offer by Kingfisher that makes it exceptional among the Indian passengers. The Kingfisher red tickets can be very conveniently booked online via any of the reputed travel portals across India.

Kingfisher Red Airlines also offers reward programs to the frequent fliers even when flying at low cost. These flights are part of the King Club loyalty program of the Kingfisher Airlines fame. This allows customers to collect King Miles on every flight booking and redeem these for free flights.

So if you are a domestic flier than opt for Kingfisher Red Airline as ensures that the traveler must get the best travelling features with luxury at the lowest fare. As when it is about travelling through domestic airlines, Kingfisher is the first choice among the passengers.

Author's Bio: 

Author is an associate editor for Flights Booking to India.Kingfisher Red Airlines Get all possible information about Cheap flights to Goa and Holidays to India. We also provide information about Online Flight Booking, Holiday Packages and Flights Booking in India.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Facial Rejuvenation, Is Plastic Surgery Killing Facial Exercise

Facial Rejuvenation, Is Plastic Surgery Killing Facial Exercise

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Facial Rejuvenation, Is Plastic Surgery Killing Facial Exercise

With so many people opting for plastic surgery and other procedures, over 11 million in 2006, the fate of facial exercises seems to be in terminal decline. Women and men are going for the quick fix of either injections or, more radically, surgery, where they opt to either have pieces of skin and tissue removed from their body or have artificial substances implanted inside them.

To someone from another world, it might seem quite a strange concept.

These same people will probably be spending a second fortune on gym membership and will be wasting hours pounding away at treadmills and weights to get their body in shape, yet they will not countenance spending 5 to 10 minutes on some facial exercise that will improve their looks.

It is not generally realised that these facial exercises can be incorporated into the daily beauty routine, instead of just rubbing in the skin cream, it is possible to utilize your facial exercises at the same time, thus killing two birds with one stone.

The type of facial exercises are very important, from all the different ones around, only isometric offer the best results, just as they do in regular exercising.

Yet facial exercises alone are not the full answer to a beautiful face, there are many other strategies that should be utilised in the fight against ageing, for instance, acupoint massage which targets the acupoints of the face, which helps to increase the energy flow and thus allows the toxins to be released giving the skin a healthy glow. This too can be done at the same time as the normal beauty regimen.

A further enhancement is the use of magnet therapy which works by stimulating the acupoints with specialised magnets that gets the energy and blood flow working better. Increased blood flow helps the skin by bringing more oxygen and removing the impurities which is one of the best ways of getting a younger looking skin.

The latest weapon that has proved really useful is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which not only gives the impetus to remain on the straight and narrow, but can also give a fantastic insight into the inner problems that are holding a person back and help to get rid of them, in some cases, the change can be almost instantaneous.

The benefits of facial exercise cannot be underestimated, even for those who are determined to go ahead with some surgery. Using it for several weeks before will give the face more definition that will give your surgeon a better canvas to work on, whilst using it a couple of months after, will keep your new looks for longer and so you will not need to return to the surgeon for a retouch.

Finally, the saddest thing is that facial exercies are not even considered by the young, yet they have the most to gain from it. Not only will they stave off the signs of ageing and so keep looking good, they can also use it to help re-shape their faces.

With so many advantages facial exercises may be down but it certainly is not out.

Extra Questions to Ask a Limousine Rental Company

Extra Questions to Ask a Limousine Rental Company

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Extra Questions to Ask a Limousine Rental Company

If you are in the process of renting a limo from a limo company, you probably know about all the basic questions to ask before you sign a contract. These questions center on insurance, cancellation policy, smoking or non-smoking, alcohol, features, discounts, billing and model of the car. All smart consumers will take the time to ask these basic questions so they are sure they are getting exactly what they want on the night of their big event.

These basic questions are great, but some people have special situations that require even more questions. If you are one of these people, be sure you always ask questions related to your unique circumstances so you arent disappointed with your ride when it shows up in your driveway. Here are some of those questions.

1. If you are handicapped or you have kids that will be riding in the limo, you will need to ask about whether or not the limo is handicap accessible or if there are child seats available. No matter what the occasion, safety is the main concern and you need to take care of these items before your night arrives.

2. Will the driver be formally or casually dressed? Typically, if you are renting a limo for a special event, the driver is going to be formally dressed. If you are renting a limo for another reason, such as for a ride from the airport, your driver might be dressed more casually. If this is a big deal for you for any reason, be sure to specify how you want your driver to look when he shows up with the car.

3. If you are renting a limo to drive you from the airport, you should ask where the driver will meet you. Some drivers meet you at the terminal, but others will wait for you outside baggage claim. This might also depend on the specific requirements of the airport.

4. If you are renting a limo to drive you from the airport, ask whether or not the driver will help with the luggage. Usually, they will, but you dont want to be in the awkward position of waiting for him to help and he doesnt.

5. If you are renting a limo to drive you from the airport and your airplane is delayed, find out how much it will cost to have the driver wait.

Renting a limousine from a Limo company can be exciting, but not if you end up with a ride that wasnt at all what you expected. You can avoid this situation by simply asking any and all questions you have ahead of time.

Author's Bio: 

John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, finding deals, and local consumer services like: limousine service Chicago and limousine Los Angeles.

Explore the San Francisco International Airport

Explore the San Francisco International Airport

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Explore the San Francisco International Airport

San Francisco International Airport, coded as SFO, is an outstanding airport situated near the highways 101 and 380, approximately 13 miles to the South of San Francisco. The architecture, technology, high-end facilities, shopping experience and a perfectly eased waiting lounge is an all-in-one package for passengers at the airport. Furthermore, the badge of Best Airport, Best in Class Museum Website, Best Airport for Health and Wellness and many similar awards by renowned magazines and known authorities is a testimony to its award winning performances in all aspects. It also holds the honor of being recognized as the 23rd busiest airport of the world, catering to the needs and desires of over 41 million passengers every year.

To know more the San Francisco International Airport is connected with more than 135 destinations across the globe through over 50 air carriers. Amongst the list of 135 destinations, SFO gives access to more than 75 US Airports, 15 North American destinations and 30 international destinations scattered all around the world. Some popular airlines connecting the airport with international destinations are Eva Air, Air Berlin, Air Canada, Alaska, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, JetBlue, Singapore Airlines, Sun Country Airlines Flights, Swiss International Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and United. All these international flyers are handled by the International A and International G Terminal. Furthermore, all the domestic airlines are handled by Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 designated for different domestic airlines. AirTran, Alaska, Southwest and US Airways are taken care by Terminal 1, American and Virgin America airlines are taken care by Terminal 2 and lastly United and United Express are taken care by Terminal 3.

From the airport there are many connecting flights as well and the best part is that you dont feel trapped here as the airport offers you many exciting options to get away with the layover time. The International Terminal has a spa along with alluring shopping and dining options. There is also an aquarium that features a huge spectrum of underwater environments. Then there is Aviation Museum, Bermen Reflection Room, Christian Science Reading Room, kids play area, and yoga room. If you can step out for some time, then nearby also there are options like cable car, art museum, Alcatraz and Academy of Science to explore and experience.

Book cheap flights to San Francisco or from San Francisco on any of these flights with LookUpFare and enjoy the experience of the airport as well as the beautiful destination. Whether it is Sun Country Airlines reservations, Eva Air booking, Swiss International Airline booking or any other flight to and from San Francisco, you can avail many attractive airfare deals. You can book the flight of your choice to the destination you desire from a wide range available. To mention a few, Eva Air Ticket takes you to a popular route from San Francisco to Taipei. You can make Eva Air reservation with LookUpFare at the most lowest flight fare available. Then there is Virgin Atlantic that takes you on a popular route from San Francisco to London or from New Delhi to San Francisco. You can avail great discounts here as well depending on the time period chosen to catch the flight. Further to that there is Air Canada flight ticket bookings with cheap flights to Vancouver. Adding to this, there are many more airlines connecting various destinations staying light on pockets as you make your travel bookings with us.

Author's Bio: 

Author is a freelance travel writer and content consultant with LookUpFare.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Everything You Wanted to Know About NiCd Batteries

Everything You Wanted to Know About NiCd Batteries

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Everything You Wanted to Know About NiCd Batteries

Batteries are used everywhere today including in very non-obvious places such as in buildings within emergency lighting in exit signs in buildings all over the world. The development of batteries commenced around 1800 with Alessandro Volta inventing the Voltaic pile. Volta was an Italian Physicist who made a large pile of pairs of alternating metal plates of zinc and silver (electrodes) separated by cardboard soaked in brine (electrolyte). When he connected the top and bottom contacts by a wire an electric current flowed through the wire and the voltaic pile. Measuring the electro-force that is now measured as volts was named after him. Put simply batteries work on the basis of converting chemical energy into electrical energy.

Most consumer batteries around the world have two terminals one being positive and one being negative and come as consumer batteries such as AAA or AA batteries. Industrial grade rechargeable batteries such as NiCd batteries are much more complex and more expensive. Rechargeable batteries are batteries that can be reused and this occurs by the process of having the chemical reactions reversed through the supply of electrical energy to the battery cell. This recharging restores the original integrity of the battery and hence allows the battery to be reused. However no system is perfect and the number of times a battery can be recharged depends on the degradation of the active materials and hence the loss of the electrolytes. Also corrosion will occur and this will also degrade the battery.

In Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries electrodes are made of nickel-hydroxide and cadmium. Potassium-hydroxide is the electrolyte. NiCd batteries will usually deliver a high current and can be charged in short time with a high current. NiCd batteries can suffer from memory-effect. When a NiCd battery is charged without being completely discharged, crystals grow in the battery. These crystals diminish the capacity of the battery and are difficult to remove. Hence it is important to get high quality NiCd batteries if you are using them in devices such as emergency lights.

Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries are replacing nickel-cadmium as they offer similar properties but don't suffer from the memory effect that can effect nickel-cadmiums. Both nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries output 1.2 volts. All rechargeable batteries lose their charge due to self-discharge. For example when not in use, nickel metal hydride batteries will lose 20% to 50% of their charge within six months due to self]discharge. Factors such as storage temperature can impact the self discharge rate. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries use lithium and carbon with an electrolyte. They have a very good power-to-weight ratio and fairly slow self-discharge rates when not in use, so they are often used in high-end laptop computers and cell phones

Enjoy Limousines in NewYork City Ride With Style

Enjoy Limousines in NewYork City Ride With Style

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Enjoy Limousines in NewYork City Ride With Style

Of course, everyone wants to get relaxation and relaxation after the schedule in his/her life. Are you feeling the same as I am a bit corroded and exhausted after the lengthy work routine? Do not worry my friends because we have special limousine service nyc for you to get the real relaxation you are anticipating from us. All you have to do is to click at Empire State Limos online to pick up limousine service nyc airport. What are the main features of the limo NYC airport?

Well limo NYC terminal is targeted to offer the relaxation of thoughts for the visitors. The limo to lga is very expert, dedicated and well structured. This is mainly consists of Reach car Chrysler 300, Automobile Chrysler 300, Reach car escalade, Automobile Bmw Benz, Reach car Lincoln subsequently town car and car service new york city. These are considered to be one of the best car fleets. The car seats are very relaxed while windows are durable and stunning. One thing is sure that car assistance NYC is very obliging as well as magnificent for one and all. So if you have any problem in hiring limousines, please keep in thoughts to contact at Kingdom Condition Limos online to meet up with your wishes within a cost-effective budget.

The car NYC terminal is one of the most efficient services. You can seek the services of limo to lga for your relaxed trip. As a straightforward, car to lga is very expert, efficient and magnificent assistance. On the other hand, you can seek the services of car to jfk for your high-class trip. The limo to jfk assistance is relaxed as well as affordable for the people. Whether you are a business magnate or hr manager limo assistance NYC terminal will offer you a huge sigh of relief beyond your objectives. Whether you are stylish girl or celebrity car will enhance your social position and reputation. Even if you are a popular patient or movie idol keep in thoughts to seek the services of high-class car NYC for your relaxed trip. If someone has a desire to enjoy party night, keep in thoughts to seek the services of New You are able to party limo for getting mental serenity and self fulfillment.

In the meanwhile, if you have a plan to be a part of your buddy's wedding, keep in thoughts to seek the services of wedding limo New You are able to for satisfying your wishes price effectively. Additionally, if you want to be a part of industry conference, you could seek the services of high-class car at any time you lengthy for. Moreover you can book car for enjoying your Christmas, Halloween and Easter time events. The limo NYC terminal is also the best choice for holiday fans. You can utilize limos for Woman's Day, Dad's Day and many other popular social wedding anniversaries. In short, we can say that car assistance NYC terminal is believed to have satisfied your all sorts of wishes regarding new york trip and social wedding anniversaries. At Kingdom Condition Limos you will not have any difficultly regarding high-class car arranging. This is a very expert and popular car site in New You are able to City.

The Empire State Limousine Solutions are extremely pleased to offer you high-class car New you are able to support.

Author's Bio: provides luxury limousine service nyc airport and other areas like limo to jfk, lga and special services on special events like we provide new york prom limousine and wedding limousine new york.

EFT For When Your Dog Is Diagnosed With A Terminal Illness

EFT For When Your Dog Is Diagnosed With A Terminal Illness

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EFT For When Your Dog Is Diagnosed With A Terminal Illness

If this is for you, let me say that my heart goes out to you, as I know from experience what it feels like when you are faced with this situation. There are decisions to be made, in order to keep your beloved fur-baby comfortable and as free from suffering as possible. It is heart-wrenching, no matter how you look at it. But maybe we are all transient beings in animal form, and maybe the most important element now is to have a calmer energy. This helps both you and your dog.

If this is too overwhelming for you just now, just use your favorite form of EFT on just the "overwhelm" element, until you feel you can carry on with this article. When you are ready, you can return and finish it.

And whatever form of EFT you have learned, even if optimal EFT, can help you with this process. So if I say "tap" and you use a non-tapping format, then just use the instructions and keep the tapping out and adapt the suggestions to Optimal EFT. And when you are calmer and have better flowing energy, that can help your dog, in whatever form he is right now. After all EFT, short for emotional Freedom Techniques, is designed to do just that. Whilst the grieving, panic, hope, despair, and all those other feelings are too much for you, it can provide enough relief to help you cope and be stronger for your fur-baby.

The first tapping suggestion is as follows:

Tap on all the points silently as you think about the situation and what you have decided to do next. Keep tapping till the tears start to lessen, and you feel a bit calmer. EFT does not take away natural sadness, but it helps you with the over-the-top element. Keep tapping over and over again, without words, as you allow your energy to rebalance itself.

The second tapping suggestion is the following:

Think of the future, that your dog will have peace and be free of pain. Tap on all the points over and over again as you say "peace". Allow the energy of peace to go through you and send them to your dog. Keep tapping till you feel as much at peace as you can. Send your dog the energy of peace, and peace goes through you. That love you have together is a special bond that has always been there and will always be there, no matter what. Keep tapping as you say "peace" or "love", or whatever word feels right. Keep tapping till you feel calmer.

If too overwhelming, do not worry about using numbers (SUDS or SUE scales) for now. Just tap. If you can use numbers, then that may be helpful. I respect that in this situation, you may need to tap daily for about half to an hour or whatever is right for you, so just go for it. After all, it is all about energy, and a better energy flow can help you and your loved one(s).

With healing thoughts at this precious time, from the heart...

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Edgar Cayce's Massage Remedy

Edgar Cayce's Massage Remedy

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Edgar Cayce's Massage Remedy

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was born with powers of perception that extended beyond most people's. By the early 1900s, Edgar Cayce was a famously documented Medical Clairvoyant healing people of a wide variety of illnesses and conditions, sometimes considered "terminal". His clairvoyant teachings healed and helped thousands. His ideals of service and commitment to healing resulted in his giving more than 9,000 readings, two-thirds of them for physical conditions, making him one of America's best-documented Medical Clairvoyants. He is considered by many to be the Father of Holistic Medicine. In his forty-three years of service, he provided medical diagnoses and treatment suggestions for thousands, helping to cure even those who were "terminally ill". Most of his readings addressed the patient, as a whole. He emphasized natural means of healing and drugless therapies such as diet, rest, exercise, hydrotherapies, packs (Castor oil, etc), herbs, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage & Colon Hydrotherapy. Among them all, 75% of his readings recommended massage with specific techniques of massage.

Beyond just looking at the physical body, Cayce addressed how emotional issues affected the body. Many of his patients' ailments, Cayce discovered, were due to "shocking" information in their life that they just could not process somehow, and caused an in-coordination or "indigestion" in the body. He pointed out that our emotions create an influx of chemicals and hormones into the body that directly affected the Sympathetic Nervous System. Today, we have heard Healer/Speakers such as Louise Hay talk about this idea.

One of his most recommended treatments was massage therapy. He specifically recommended a type of massage that a very famous Physiotherapist of his time, Harold Reilly, was performing. This inspired the Cayce/Reilly Massage. It specifically addressed the entire body holistically with a Swedish/ circulatory massage, addressing the increase of blood and lymphatic circulation. It stimulates the adrenal glands, as well as the spinal nerves that calm the nervous system. Not only is the massage mechanically effective, but Cayce also recommended certain oils to be used to benefit the client with the healing properties of pure oils. (i.e. He recommended Peanut Oil topically, for Arthritis as a "food for the joints") With the oils and the special mechanics of this massage, the Parasympathetic system kicks in, putting the body in the state where it repairs itself, and calms irritation and inflammation in the body. Certain massage techniques were recommended that would help coordinate the neuromuscular system, helping the client to essentially move fluidly, with ease and flexibility. This not only treats the body, but the connection with the emotional body. Soothing in-coordinationsor things that could not be processed (because of some kind of trauma experienced) essentially relieve the person of a tension that they had been carrying daily. What a relief to get rid of that burden!

As a Cayce/Reilly Massage Therapist, I have been amazed at what relief I have seen, specifically as a result to this particular massage. Many of my clients claim that it is the most unique and effective type of massage they have ever had, bringing them the results they are truly needing.

The transcripts of Cayce's readings are available at the Association for Research and Englightenment (A.R.E.) library, in Virginia Beach, VA. (With membership to the A.R.E. you can have access to these readings online.) This library is the second largest Metaphysical library in the world, second only to the Vatican. The A.R.E. houses the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy. For more information, you can visit:

Eden Energy Medicine Techniques to Help Acute Insomnia

Eden Energy Medicine Techniques to Help Acute Insomnia

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Eden Energy Medicine Techniques to Help Acute Insomnia

Ten minutes go by, fifteen, twenty. You tell yourself not to look at the clock, but you do anyway. It's been a half hour and you're still not asleep. Thoughts from the day race through your mind at breakneck speed. You begin to worry about what needs to get done tomorrow. Then the tossing and turning begins. Finally you drift into a restless sleep, only to wake an hour later.

This is insomnia, a sleep disorder many of us encounter at some point in our lives.

It is usually caused by stressful events, such as a job loss, a change in relationship or an unexpected health concern. But sometimes the daily stresses and strains of our "normal lives" can lead to that unwanted midnight soul searching.

Usually, insomnia will resolve itself naturally in less than three months. This type of insomnia is known as "acute insomnia." But when you arent getting a full nights sleep, three monthsor even a weekcan feel like a miserable lifetime.

To remedy your acute insomnia, first, address your sleep hygiene. Many good articles have been written on how to solve sleep difficulties naturally by addressing your sleeping habits, environment and more.

Next, try these three simple energy medicine exercises based on the award winning work of author and teacher Donna Eden. You can do these exercises lying in bed, and you can't overdo them. In fact, the more often you practice these techniques, the quicker you will restore your energy to complete balance.

Hook up: This exercise leaves you feeling whole, calm and connected.
Place the middle finger of one hand in your navel and lightly tug up towards the head.
Place the middle finger of your other hand in the location of the "third eye" at the middle of your forehead. Again, tug up lightly.
Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth for a minute.

Close your "third eye": This exercise helps you to shut off disruptive thoughts and images.
Imagine you have an "eyelid" or little window shade in the middle of your forehead
Take your thumb and place it in the middle of your forehead (the location of the third eye).
Inhale deeply, and on the exhale, pull your thumb down the center of your forehead to the bridge of your nose, as if you are pulling the windowshade or eyelid down.
Repeat as often as needed.

Calm your "fight or flight" response: This exercise helps to lessen worry, anxiety, tension, headaches and angry thoughts.
Rest the palm of your left hand lightly on your cheek so that your fingertips are lightly touching your temple.
Rest your right hand across the center of your throat, covering the inside edges of your collarbone.
Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth for a minute or so.
Switch hands and repeat on the other side.

Why try energy medicine? Whenever we have a health challenge, you can bet it is being reflected in your "energy anatomy," including your aura, chakras and acupuncture meridians. Energy Medicine restores balance and renews your body's natural energies. Use these techniques consistently and you will not only resolve your insomnia. You will find yourself better prepared to face the challenges of your daily life.

To learn more about Eden Energy Medicine tools for insomnia, go now to see for yourself.

Don't Take My Baby! (Why Many Adults with ADD Don't Watch Lifetime Movies)

Don't Take My Baby! (Why Many Adults with ADD Don't Watch Lifetime Movies)

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Don't Take My Baby! (Why Many Adults with ADD Don't Watch Lifetime Movies)

There is one very specific type of movie that I just can't watch because I get too upset. I call it a "Don't Take My Baby" movie.

I'm sure you're familiar with this type of movie. The most common plot line is: Couple finds out they can't have baby and adopts. Couple loves baby very much and experience great joy until baby's birth parents challenge adoption and try to get baby back.

Other variations include:

* Gay partner dies and court won't allow non-biological parent to keep the baby.

* Parents find out baby was switched at birth and isn't theirs.

* Mother has been looking for missing baby for years, and refuses to believe baby is dead. Mother finds baby, but baby has a new life and doesn't remember mother.

* Father loves baby dearly, mother goes to jail, father learns baby isn't really his and loses custody.

The plot possibilities for "Don't Take My Baby" movies are endless. These movies are often, but not always, played on the Lifetime network. (Otherwise known in pop culture as "Lifetime Movies.") However, these plots can also be easily adopted on network dramas, although they usually aren't as emotional.

The problem with "Don't Take My Baby" movies is that I can't handle them emotionally. I don't even have a baby yet, but somehow the concept of having one's baby taken away has driven me to hysterics ever since I can remember.

I fully realize that there is an element here that sounds absolutely crazy and you may be wondering why I chose to make this a topic for the newsletter. Well, believe it or not, this does relate to adult ADD and here's how: adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) tend to be extremely emotionally sensitive. We often lose it emotionally over sad movies, sappy commercials, or distressing news stories.

Sure, "Don't Take My Baby" movies are always meant to be tearjerkers. But most people can have themselves a good cry and get over it. Adults with ADD are often slower to bounce back.

Because we have a high level of empathy and compassion, we can take on the pain of others (real or scripted) to such a high degree that it sends us down a path of extreme emotional disturbance and spiraling negative thoughts. This, in turn, leads to more stress and the potential to become overwhelmed.

And, as I always say, the more stressed out and overwhelmed you are, the harder it is to manage your ADD.

In order to avoid this scenario, we have to protect ourselves with some solid boundaries. For example, I no longer let myself watch "Don't Take My Baby" movies. I also won't watch documentaries about genocide, sick children, or people with terminal illnesses. I simply can't handle it and I know that watching these things is guaranteed to send me down a bad path.

You may find that in order to keep from falling into the trap of extreme emotions, you need to:

* Avoid watching the news.

* Make certain types of movies or shows off-limits.

* Steer clear of certain topics of conversation.

And when all else fails and you find yourself empathizing just a little too much, try to:

Remember that everyone has their challenges in life. You don't need to take on someone else's in addition to your own.

Talk out how you feel. Journal about it if you have no one that you can talk to in the moment.

Explore what it is about someone else's situation that hits you hard enough to be upsetting. Does it trigger a sadness in you that you haven't yet dealt with?

Draw a line between "pity" and "empathy." Having compassion and being able to imagine yourself in another's shoes is very different--and much more helpful and productive--than feeling sorry for them or taking on their pain.

Most importantly, remember that you can't effectively care for others until you care for yourself. And this sometimes means avoiding "emotional traps" on television or in the movies.

So the next time you're flipping the channels and happen upon a "Don't Take My Baby" movie, think of me bawling my eyes out over a poorly-written and badly-acted movie. Then change the channel.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Does MT4 on iPad Really Work For traders

Does MT4 on iPad Really Work For traders

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Does MT4 on iPad Really Work For traders

MetaTrader 4 (MT4), known as one of the widely used trading platforms in the world, is popular among many retail investors who want to buy and sell currencies. In actual,

this user-friendly interface is utilized by many traders of all experience levels seeking to access the foreign exchange market and is recognized for its advanced charting

package, technical analysis and automated trading. Now this fully functional trading becomes possible at iPad now! Is MT4 on iPad effective for traders? In order to know it

to read the article further

As a matter of fact, the new trading platform (MT4) allows traders to make transactions from anywhere in the world. Simply put, terminal can connect to the trading server,

get important quotes, make trades and view the history of the transactions. Of course, graphics and analytics will be added later in the upcoming upgrade.

The MT4 terminal is very easy to install and requires no additional work to configure. You actually need to find the program at the AppStore and download it to your mobile

phone. You can easily run the application and start work after synchronization.

As you may or may not know, the Meta Trader Application for the Ipad is rather limiting in comparison to using MT4 on a conventional Windows based home Personal

computer or Laptop. For example having multiple charts open at once on a Windows based PC or Laptop computer is a piece of cake, but this cannot be carried out on an

Ipad, which is a pity.

One way around this that I have encountered recently is to download a VNC application onto the Ipad gadget which allows your remote connection to your home PC.

Hence, if you have MT4 up and running on your PC at home, you can connect to this by your Ipad device and so view everything as you would on this computer at home.

Well, a common problem that could occur is time lagging. Data not only has to travel from your broker to your home based PC or laptop computer, but it then has to travel to

your VNC server, and then finally to your Ipad. Of course, executing trades on time is of crucial importance when day trading, so we could see this as being problematic.

MT4 on iPad is shockingly bad, with limitations all over the place. The simple and effective answer would be to buy a windows based netbook, I know!

Discovering the Best Intelligence Management School

Discovering the Best Intelligence Management School

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Discovering the Best Intelligence Management School

Finding the right intelligence management school is essential to unlocking your future career in intelligence. Understanding that intelligence requires skills that can be learned will help you to seek out the best intelligence management training. Dont look for those wannabe Bond-types and be fooled by Hollywood bravado; this business doesnt take into account flashy moves and fast cars. Looking beyond the headlines, what really then is the intelligence?

Intelligence is information thats analyzed and converted into a product to support a particular customer. Intelligence is both a process and a product and has played an important role in diplomacy and warfare throughout history. In the information age, intelligence has taken on an even greater importance. But in the popular media the role, means, and purpose of intelligence is very often misrepresented at best. Only a tiny fraction of intelligence officers perform clandestine intelligence gathering. They dont assassinate people, carry weapons or even wear trench coats. The vast majority of the intelligence community carries out their tasks at a computer terminal and, while intelligence alone cannot stop the next terrorist attack, it is the critical first step in identifying and possibly preventing one.

The art and science of gathering critical operational intelligence has been defined in many ways; what is agreed upon is that intelligence management is key to effective statecraft, policy formulation and development, and national security. Throughout the course of history, many wars have been fought depending heavily on various forms of intelligence. During our most recent actions in the War on Terror, intelligence analysis has played a critical role in both offensive and defensive operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Intelligence is even more important in homeland security and defense. Our society is suspicious of intrusions on personal liberties. Mandated identity cards, restricting vehicle access, and random searches of airline passengers are generally not well received. That makes it especially important to prevent terrorist attacks by interdicting the terrorists and their resources before they can reach their target. The primary means of accomplishing this is through a combination of intelligence and law enforcement work.

A good intelligence management school is going to prepare its students for how to use intelligence tradecraft to detect, deter, and prevent terrorist attacks and illegal activity. Almost every illegal activity can be given away by indicators. Its the observation of these indicators and the proper analysis of their significance that could directly lead to the defeat of future terrorist acts. Various stages of terrorist operations can be determined by the smallest of indicators provided during that particular operational maneuver. You wont necessarily recognize these indicators for what they are, but to an analyst who has studied a particular terrorist group or individual that indicator can speak volumes. The question is, how do you know what to look for?

In the intelligence community, the process of addressing this question is known as collection management. Analysts who study an intelligence problem (e.g., what are the plans and capabilities of a particular terrorist organization) have the best idea of what intelligence gaps exist. They identify these gaps to a collection manager (CM) in the form of a requirement. A requirement consists of priority, justification, essential elements of information and reporting requirements. The CM then integrates these requirements into a collection strategy. Finally, a collection plan is developed to detail a tactical level course of action and subsequently briefed to operators (e.g., SWAT team members, daily patrols, and field agents, etc.) to carry out. The interaction of the analysts and collectors is absolutely essential to this entire process.

Intelligence management training can be a valuable tool to assist law enforcement agencies in the performance of their daily duties. Its especially relevant in counter-terrorism investigations and operations. Terrorist organizations rely heavily on secrecy and anonymity to carry out their religious and politically driven agendas and intelligence gathering and exploitation is best suited to stripping away this critical layer of protection and making them more vulnerable to infiltration, investigation and arrest. Intelligence work is a discipline in and of itself, just like police work, and carries its own language, rules and culture. At times, it can be in direct conflict with law enforcement, but the goal of both remains the same; the protection of every American citizen and our way of life.

Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

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Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines, Not a Match Made…

Digital phone lines and analog credit card machines don't mix. I'm sure you have heard it time and time again for your credit card processing companies tech support. It's extremely frustrating to have a line out the door and a credit card machine that isn't able to connect to the authorization line. Unfortunately it's something that merchants deal with around the country.

Why don't digital phone lines and analog credit card machines play well?

Digital subscriber lines, also known as DSL offer high-speed connectivity, broadband cable Internet for business and associated communications technologies such as Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) - is common today. Today, most phone service providers only offer VoIP telephone services. VoIP converts analog audio signals into digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet. Since VoIP is intended to be transparent to the user, using a dial-up, point-of-sale terminal to process transactions over this connection is not only difficult to identify, but it is also difficult to support and may not be secure.

Modem Issues Cause by Using Digital Phone Lines and Analog Credit Card Machines

Because VoIP does not utilize the TCP protocol, delivery of all packets is not guaranteed and retries do not occur unless you re-run the transaction when using digital phones lines and analog credit card machine. Under normal voice usage circumstances, drops in information on the line are compensated for by the human factor, i.e., the human on the other end of the call will ask you to repeat something if they didn't hear it. In the event of a credit card transaction, a host computer accepting the transaction, which may or may not be complete, occupies the other end of the call. That host computer is unable to fill in the blanks of an incomplete transaction the way a human can understand words over a distorted line. Incomplete transactions are the result of modem errors.

So Whats the Solution?

Digital subscriber lines (DSL) and VoIP, are cheaper alternatives to a dial-up business line, both in lower monthly fees and the lines eliminate usage fees; and are attractive telecomm solutions for small businesses. Due to major issues caused by digital phone systems, you have very limited options.

Depending on your phone service provider, you may be able to have an analog phone line installed. Although only a few telecomm companies are still installing these lines. If your telecomm company doesn't offer this option, AT&T may be able to assist you. Purchase an IP/Ethernet based communication terminal such as the VX520, VX570, or T4220IP. If you would rather go for a virtual terminal, you can use a payment gateway from companies like or

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Different Techniques For Bass Fishing

Different Techniques For Bass Fishing

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Different Techniques For Bass Fishing

Splitshotting can mean the difference between taking a cold boat ride and a great day of catching fish. Invest the time to practice this technique and you will have more fun bass fishing in the cold winter months. This and other Bass fishing techniques are required to master the art of bass fishing.

If you put the time in, you will soon learn how to master the fall and winter bass fishery in British Columbia. Your efforts will be rewarded with exceptional smallmouth bass of trophy sizes. Remember though it takes roughly 8 to 10 years for a smallmouth bass to attain a weight in excess of 5 lbs., so conserve your catch by practicing responsible catch and release methods.

Well the cold weather has put the bass into their winter patterns. Forget about rip baits, spinner baits and crank baits. Now is the time to break out the finesse gear. One of the most common techniques for getting bass to bite during this season is splitshotting. It is a fairly straightforward technique and requires little investment in terminal tackle.

The hardest thing there is to teach a bass angler learning to splitshot is detecting the bite. The bite will vary according to the activity level of the fish. There will be times when they pop the bait hard and you will know immediately that they are eating the bait. Other times there will be a soft, almost imperceptible tick and then nothing. And finally there is the dreaded pressure bite. The pressure bite will take two forms.

The first way to describe a pressure bite is you will feel a slight resistance to pulling your line forward. This is somewhat like hooking a soft, spongy rubber band. The second pressure bite is when you lose contact with the bottom.

A bass has picked up your lure and is just following along with your forward movement. This is why it is so important to maintain bottom contact. Once you realize that you've lost the feel of the weight against the bottom, and your depth hasn't changed significantly, you have to put two and two together and get ready to set the hook.

The preferred hook set for this technique is called a sweep set. Once you have detected a fish holding your bait drop the rod tip towards the fish, reel down to the point of feeling resistance (or just shy of that point) and 'sweep' the rod horizontally away from the fish.

If the rod loads up good and you're sure that you've got the hook in the fish just fight him to the boat. If you set the hook and it didn't feel solid you may want to set the hook a second time. The drag on your reel should be set tight enough that it doesn't give on the initial hook set. But it shouldn't be set so tight that a larger fish can't take the line if needed.

British Columbia, Canada's foremost sport fishing web site containing BC saltwater fishing, BC freshwater fishing, maps, fishing tackle news, sport fishing destinations, fishing tips and techniques, editorials, articles and much, much more. Inside you'll find everything you need to tackle trophy fish of all varieties including salmon, halibut, steelhead, trout, bass, and sturgeon to name a few. They also had their own approach and techniques regarding bass fishing.

Details of Soil Contamination

Details of Soil Contamination

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Details of Soil Contamination

Soil contamination is the diffusion of hazardous material throughout soil. The material can be either solid or liquid and usually bonds with the soil in which it is mixed. Contaminants do not have to be directly deposited in the soil to negatively affect it; for example, many airborne toxic molecules can settle in soil.

Soil contamination may also occur as a peripheral effect of ground water contamination, aggravated by flooding or improper waste water disposal. Plants, animals, and humans can absorb the adverse compounds upon contact.

Soil can be polluted with either heavy metals or various other chemicals. Again, the types of exposure are dermal contact (e.g. gardening), inhalation (breathing dust particles), or ingestion (eating items grown in impure soil).

The sources of water and soil contamination are innumerable; however, the following have a high probability of potentially contaminating local environs:

. Machine shops.

. Railroad yards and other railroad-related work sites.

. Chemical manufacturing plants.

. Incinerators.

. Dry cleaning stores.

. Chemical or medical waste storage facilities.

. Nuclear power plants or testing facilities.

. Any manufacturing plant that uses any type of cleaning solvents or gasoline based products.

. Oil refineries.

. Landfills.

. Gas stations.

Accidental or intentional leaks and spills from any of the above organizations may allow toxic chemicals to seep into the soil or into ground aquifers or water tables. Once the chemicals have contaminated the soil or water, it is incredibly difficult to remove them. Soil may have to be removed from the site and treated, or neutralizing chemicals introduced into the polluted material.

In the worst case scenarios, water or soil must be sequestered such that it does no more damage as it cannot be treated. If water or soil contamination goes unnoticed and unsolved people with high exposures to the contaminants may develop chronic or terminal illnesses.

Chronic exposure may cause some of the following symptoms as well as others not listed here:

. Various forms of cancer (lung, bladder, brain, kidney, leukemia, lymphoma, skin cancer).

. Various forms of learning disability (ADD, ADHD, LD).

. Teratogenic effects (fetal health risks, miscarriages and birth defects).

. Reproductive effects or genetic damage from radiation.

. Respiratory effects (breathing difficulties, allergies and other similar conditions).

. Gastrointestinal effects (digestive conditions).

. Cardiovascular effects.

. Immune system deficiencies.

. Hepatic effects (various liver conditions).

. Renal effects (various kidney effects including blood in the urine).

. Neurological effects (various nervous system disorders, including reflex malfunction and headaches). If an individual has reason for concern or the physical manifestations of symptoms they should contact a physician and/or the local authorities. There is no reason that anyone should have to consume unsafe water or live on dangerous land. Toxic tort law exists to protect people's rights and make sure they receive just compensation for others' negligent behavior.

Experiened Legal Counsel for Soil and Water Contamination

Are you or a loved one in need of legal assistance in your area regarding Soil and Water Contamination? It is important for you or someone you know who are in need of experienced legal advice regarding Soil and Water Contamination or a Soil and Water Contamination Lawsuit, to contact legal counsel and likely receive free Soil and Water Contamination legal advice.

Datalogic Lynx - Handheld Computer

Datalogic Lynx - Handheld Computer

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Datalogic Lynx - Handheld Computer

The Lynx from Datalogic combines the latest technology in a compact and powerful package. This state-of-the-art PDA features an 806 MHz processor with 256 MB RAM and 512 MB Flash. The Lynx PDA's screen provides immediate status on battery charging, keyboard state and good read indicator.

The Datalogic Lynx combines the industry's most ergonomic form factor with the industrial robustness to survive and thrive both indoors and outdoors. A four-foot drop spec or resistance rating ensures the ruggedness of the Lynx Mobile Computer.

This is a nice mobile computer in a small package. It is often quoted as a route terminal because of its size, but is toughness matches that of some popular industrial handheld computers. There is an available pistol grip and a few other options. The nice screen size and multikey keypad makes this a really desirable unit.

Either a 1D laser scanner or a 2D bar code imager can be selected for the Lynx PDA. An autofocus camera with a built-in flash is included to photograph evidence of task execution or damage documentation. Many other options are available and configurations are available from A1 Barcode Systems or any other Datalogic top level partners. Items like cradles, auto chargers, holsters, pistol grips, are available.

Some standard software is available but most users will use ..NET and their suite of products to program the Lynx. C Sharp or Visual Basic are usually the language used in .NET.

Additionally, most software products work very well with the Lynx. Redbeam Software including Asset tracking, Inventory, and check In Check Out Intellitrack software has many including Assets, Inventory, Stockroom, Package Track, and their new Stratus Cloud product (SAS-Software as a Service). BellHawk's cloud product and just about any software that uses a browser or uses Windows Embedded operating system.

Features: * Microsoft Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 * Ergonomic, compact and robust * Laser or wide aspect 2D imager * 3G/4G (HSPA+) mobile radio for voice and data communication * Summit embedded 802.11 b/g/n radio Cisco CCX v4 certified for enterprise- * class mobile connectivity * Bluetooth wireless technology Class 2 with EDR for simultaneous connections with lower power consumption * Assisted GPS (A-GPS) with Skyhook's Core Engine hybrid positioning system for location-based applications * 256 MB RAM / 512 MB Flash memory * XScale" PXA 310 @ 806 MHz processor * Ruggedized with 1.2 m / 4 ft drop to concrete resistance and IP54 protection class * 3 Megapixel autofocus camera with flash * User-accessible micro SD memory slot (SDHC) * Wavelink Avalanche device management pre-licensed

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Data Transmission Modes and Its Types

Data Transmission Modes and Its Types

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Data Transmission Modes and Its Types

The way in which data is transmitted from one place to another is called data transmission mode. It is also called the data communication mode. It indicates the direction of flow of information. Sometimes, data transmission modes are also referred to as directional modes.

When a person is giving a lecture, information is conveyed in one direction. Similarly, during a conversation between two persons, spoken messages are exchanged in both directions. These messages may be exchanged alternatively or simultaneously.

There are three data transmission modes.

(i) Simplex mode:

In simplex mode, data is transmitted in only one direction. A terminal can only send data and cannot receive it or it can only receive data but cannot send data.

Today, this mode of data communication is not popular, because most of the modem communications require two-way exchange of data. However, this mode of communication is used in business field at certain point-of-sale terminals in which sales data is entered without a corresponding reply. The other examples of simplex communication modes are Radio and T.V transmissions.

In computer system, the keyboard, monitor and printer are examples of simplex devices. The keyboard can only be used to enter data into computer, while monitor and printer can only accept (display/print) output.

(ii) Half-Duplex Mode:

In half-duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions but only in one direction at a time. In this mode, data is sent and received alternatively. It is like a one-lane bridge where two-way traffic must give way in order to cross the other.

In half-duplex mode, at a time only one end transmits data while other end receives. In addition, it is possible to perform error detection and request the sender to re-transmit information.

The Internet browsing is an example of half duplex. When we issue a request to download web document or webpage, it is downloaded and displayed before we issue another request.

(iii) Full-Duplex Mode:

In full-duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions at the same time on the same channel. It is the fastest directional mode of communication. The telephone communication system is an example of full-duplex communication mode.

Types of Data Transmission Modes:
There are two types of data transmission modes. These are:

(i) Parallel Transmission.
(ii) Serial Transmission.

(i) Parallel Transmission:

In parallel transmission, a group of bits of data flow at the same time (in parallel) through separate communication lines. It is very fast data transmission. The automobile traffic on a multi-lane highway is an example of parallel transmission.

Inside the computer, usually a group of bits of data flow from one component to another at the same time. If a computer uses 32-bit internal structure, then 32-bits of data can be transferred from one component of computer to another at the same time. Parallel transmission is commonly used to transfer data from computer to printer.

(ii) Serial Transmission:

In serial data transmission, a group of bits of data flow in sequential Order through single communication line. The flow of traffic on one-lane residential street is an example of serial data transmission mode. Serial transmission is typically slower than parallel transmission, because data is. sent sequentially in a bit-by-bit on a single communication line.

The telephone line system uses the serial transmission to transmit data from one location to another. In computer system, mouse also uses serial transmission to send the command signals inside the computer.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmissions:

Synchronous Transmission:

In synchronous transmission, data is transmitted block-by-block or word-byword at the same time. Each block may contain several bytes of data. In this mode, data is saved before sending. A large volume of data can be transmitted at a time. The data transmission is very fast. It is most commonly used by remote communication systems.

In synchronous transmission, a special communication device known as 'synchronized clock' is required to schedule the transmission of information. This special communication device or equipment is expensive.

Asynchronous Transmission:

In asynchronous transmission, data is transmitted one byte at a 'time'. The data is transmitted character-by-character as the user types it on a keyboard. In this mode, data is not saved before sending.

An asynchronous line that is idle (not being used) is identified with a value 1, also known as mark state. This value is used by the communication devices to find whether the line is idle or free.

In asynchronous transmission, a special signal is sent by sender to the receiver before sending the message. It is known as start bit. A start bit has a value of 0, also called a space state. Thus, when the line switches from a value of 1 to a value of 0, the receiver is alerted for receiving the message. The asynchronous transmission is most commonly used by microcomputers.

Crohns Disease - Symptoms and Treatment

Crohns Disease - Symptoms and Treatment

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Crohns Disease - Symptoms and Treatment

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. The disease is also called granulomatous enteritis, colitis, regional enteritis, regional ileitis, ileitis, or terminal ileitis and it causes ulcerations of the small and large intestine. The disease can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus, but distinctively affects the terminal ileum as well as demarcated areas of large bowel. The disease is named after the American physician, Burrill Bernard Crohn (1884-1983), who described the disease in 1932.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms

Crohns disease symptoms may include:

- Chronic diarrhea and disrupted digestion: It becomes difficult for the patients in the acute phase of the disease to eat and/or digest food.
- Painful and debilitating inflammation
- Fistulas of the colon
- Hemorrhoids
- Lipid absorption problems
- Anemia: Persistent rectal bleeding may lead to anemia.
- Bruising of the shins.
- Fever, pain and psychological damage in many cases
- Crohn's disease in children may cause delayed development and stunted growth.

Crohn's Disease Treatment

Crohns disease treatment may include medication, surgery, dietary advice and Helminthic therapy (current research).

- Medication Treatment

Acute treatment: steroids are used in the initial stages. Long-term steroid therapy is discouraged because of their side effects. Corticosteroids like prednisone are traditionally used medications. The side effects of steroids may include insulin resistance and frank diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), glaucoma, osteoporosis, severe psychological issues etc.

Chronic treatment (Steroid-sparing): The treatment may include Salicylates - 5-ASA derivates - 5-aminosalicylic acid compounds such as sulfasalazine (Azulfidine, Salazopyrin), mesalamine (Pentasa, Asacol), olsalazine, and balsalazide. Immunomodulating drugs such as azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate are given mainly in moderate-to-severe cases. Infliximab (brand name Remicade) is given in patients with therapy-resistant or fistulating Crohn's. Adalimumab (brand name Humira) has been used in patients who show allergic reaction to infliximab. The drugs like thalidomide are under study trials.

- Surgery

In the case of widespread intractable Crohn's colitis, the colon and rectum (protocolectomy) are removed by the surgery ileostomy. Surgery is generally avoided, as this does not cure the disease. Crohns disease can recur at the site of the anastomosis or ileostomy.

- Dietary Advice

Crohn's patients should avoid the following foods and liquids:

- Dairy foods
- High fiber foods should be avoided during flare-ups.
- Hot spicy foods
- Alcohol and caffeine
- Foods containing saturated fats, found in meat and dairy products. However some fats such as in fish oil may actually be helpful.
- Products containing corn or gluten, those made from wheat, oats, barley, or triticale
- Foods, such as soy, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes
- Gas-producing foods such as cabbage family vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts), dried peas and lentils, onions and chives, peppers and carbonated drinks
- Foods that may irritate the intestine (particularly the cabbage family vegetables)
- Simple sugars
- Dried fruits or high-sugar fruits, such as grapes, watermelon, or pineapple
- Sorbitol (an artificial sweetener)

Beneficial Foods:

- Fluids to keep the body hydrated and prevent constipation
- Fruits may be protective
- A high protein diet with lean meats


- Eat small frequent meals
- Prebiotics such as psyllium may help in the healing process.
- Probiotics may also be helpful in aiding recovery of the intestines.

- Helminthic Therapy

Recent studies have come up with a promising Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis treatment. Helminthic therapy is a new treatment that has shown impressive results in clinical trials. It argues that the absence of intestinal worms (due primarily to higher hygiene standards) from the human intestinal tract may cause the immune system that is not evolutionary adapted to this condition, to over-react causing inflammation and other negative effects, and that reintroducing helminths through ingesting eggs of a certain species (which is not dangerous to humans) can help down regulate and normalize immune responses.

Helminthic therapy like the fecal bacterio therapy induces a characteristic TH2 white cell response in the diseased areas which seems to be the key in achieving and maintaining remission, and may prove to be of key significance in further research.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Credit Card Payment Processing Using Dynamics AX POS Terminal

Credit Card Payment Processing Using Dynamics AX POS Terminal

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Credit Card Payment Processing Using Dynamics AX POS Terminal

User manuals and other functional documentation for Dynamics AX 2012 for Retail is limited at the moment which is not a surprise considering the product has been officially launched my MS in February. To help remedy this situation I am starting the series of posts in which I will share my experience obtained through training and troubleshooting tips. I think many of you may find it useful.

The first item I want to discuss is setting up MS payment service for Dynamics AX account on POS terminal. This will enable your retail business to process credit card payments at Dynamics point of sale.

First you will need to register payment service account at Dynamics Online dot com. Your partner will set it up for you and initiate invitation email. It's important that you have Windows Live ID and that the invitation is generated for this WLID.

Once you opened email and clicked on the link payment service will be activated you will become administrator of this service. This allows you to send invitations to other users. Make sure to train them on some basics before assigning them to administrator or even system user role.

Then it's time to sign up with one of them payment processors supported through MS Payment service. You will get automatically generated email from the payment vendor you chose with account information. Note that these accounts are not yet activated on vendor's side and you will be contacted by their representative to complete legal paperwork. Most payment providers used by retail industry are supported by Dynamics payment service including FirstData, PayPal and CyberSource.

After that is done, you are ready for the first test. Click on Payment s screen while on Payment service home page and then New Payment button. Enter real credit card info and the amount that you want to transact (you can later refund the entire amount minus transaction fee set by payment processor you selected). Click process payment to see if the amount is successfully authorized and captured.

To refund the amount captured, come back to Payments screen, select the payment you want to refund by clicking on the transaction ID and click Issue refund button. Note this method of refund will only work for authorizations completed through Payment service web site and not for ones done at POS terminal or through Dynamics AX client.

Important note: MS Payment service cannot connect to "test environments" or "test hosts" of payment processors. It can only connect to "live" or "production" systems. It can be explained by the fact that the service works with 6 different providers and handling "test" and "production" modes for each through one service could be technically challenging.

If the test went successfully then we are ready to proceed to the next step of configuring POS terminal to accept cc payments.

We will need to configure hardware profile that is assigned to each POS terminal in AX 2012 for Retail client. To go Retail->Setup->POS->Profiles->Hardware profiles and select the profile that is used by POS terminal on which you want to enable cc processing. Most retailers using Dynamics AX for Retail have two or more POS terminals in the store so make sure you pick the right hardware profile that is assigned to the right POS terminal. If separate hardware profile is used for each POS terminal then you will need to repeat the configuration below for each profile.

Navigate to EFT Service fast tab and enter the following information:

EFT service: Dynamics Online

Service ID: Payment service ID you set up. You can find this ID from Customer portal screen on, select Service list and note Id value in Id column (if you don't see this column, click Choose columns button and add it).

Merchant ID: leave blank

Username: WLID used to access payment service

Password: password for WLID

Configuration: depending on the country, Non-EMV for USA and EMV for Canada

Run distribution scheduler job for registers (usually N-1090) to push changes to POS terminal database and you are done with configuring it to process cc payments in.

In the next blog I will explain how to configure MRS (magnetic stripe reader) on POS and setups in AX retail headquarters needed to support card swipe. Just note that help on card setup provided by MS has critical typo that I will talk about.

That is all for now, until the next time.

Coping with Terminal Diagnosis

Coping with Terminal Diagnosis

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Coping with Terminal Diagnosis

The psychological challenges that confront us when we are exposed to catastrophic news can be seen in our faces and postures immediately. They are the mind's automatic attempt to integrate and assimilate the brutal reality of a traumatic event.

When we receive a shocking cancer diagnosis, our normal assumptions are ruptured, and our understanding of the "rules" of daily living are shocked and upset. Not only do we experience strong emotions in these times, we actually lose our balance psychologically. This loss of stability and psychological equilibrium are what we aim to regain as we experience the waves of emotions in the weeks and months that follow our exposure.

One important point to know and to remember is that the natural, common, and normal reactions that you experience may feel quite painful and may make you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you. In the vast majority of cases, your reactions are normal, even if they are very strong and upsetting.

There are three kinds of experience that most people have:

Intrusion: this bad dreams or nightmares, anxiety or fear when exposed to reminders of the trauma, painful thoughts about what happened, and losing track of the present and feeling like what happened is happening again.

Avoidance: this takes the form of social isolation, not thinking or talking about the traumatic event, or using alcohol or drugs to avoid painful thoughts and feelings.
The natural course of coming to terms with a traumatic event involves oscillating between intrusion and avoidance. We flip back and forth over the course of minutes as well as over the course of days and weeks.

Hyperarousal: the third natural response comes from the "fight or flight response", which is part of our evolutionary heritage. This is manifest in disturbed sleep, trouble concentrating, being easily startled, and being overly watchful, on guard, and jumpy.
Here are some ways to cope :

Talk to those who want to and are able to listen. Be aware that there will be times when others aren't able to or don't want to listen.
Protect yourself from information overload
Turn away from the information overload -turn off the television or radio, and stop surfing the Internet for the latest bulletin. Our need for information is driven by our need to regain a sense of control, but when the world is still rocking, real control is not yet available.
Avoid 'escapist' behavior
Avoid alcohol, drugs, or immersion in work as a way to distract yourself. Better to deal with the painful feelings as they happen than to put them aside.

Time is the great healer for those exposed to trauma.

Coping with a Partner's Terminal Diagnosis - Eleven Survival Tips by Judy Schreiber-Mosher, LCSW

Coping with a

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Coping with a Partner's Terminal Diagnosis - Eleven Survival Tips by Judy Schreiber-Mosher, LCSW

Imagine discovering that your partner, the person you love most in the world, was just diagnosed with a terminal illness. You stop listening: the odds dont matter at the moment, and medical advances seem irrelevant. All you hear is the collapse of your hopes and dreams with your loved one.
Terminal diagnoses were hardly ever discussed in my childhood home. The word cancer, for example, was barely whispered. When voices lowered and heads dropped, I knew that the person being discussed had cancer. Years later, whenever I lowered my voice, my husband, who was familiar with my upbringing, would jokingly say to me, Judy, we are not talking about cancer.
Then the day came when he was diagnosed with Stage Four liver cancera death sentence, he said, without lowering his voice. I was stunned, frightened for him, terrified about our future together, and unaware of how to help and support him. But over time, from my vantage point as a wife and therapist, I discovered the following coping strategies.

? Above all, take care of yourself. The person you have most depended on, your beloved partner, is focused elsewhere now and has little sustenance to offer you. So pursue activities that will put energy into your emotional bank account: lunch with friends, movies, spa treatments, faith-based practices, nature walks, or other invigorating pastimes. The more energy you store now, the more you will have to draw on later.

? Acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings you havesuch as anger, rage, fear, or sadnessall of which are normal. Allow someone you trust, such as a close friend, relative, therapist, or spiritual adviser, to serve as an outlet for these feelings rather than inadvertently displacing them onto others.

? Keep the lines of communication open between you and your partner even if you are disappointed or upset about the situation. The diagnosis is likely to have an enormous impact on you, and it will help to talk about all the ramifications.

? Attend all meetings with healthcare professionals, if possible. Dont worry about infringing on your partners independence. It is important for you to hear the information directly and be able to have your questions answered.

? Dont be embarrassed to write down your medical concerns before each visit so youll remember to discuss them with the doctor. Also, take notes freely or tape record the conversations. An anxious listener can forget important details.

? As tempting as it may be to take charge of treatment options, recognize that you cannot, and should not, control the choices that are your partners to make. Nor is it your job to control how other family members respond to the crisis or treatment decisions.

? Once a treatment option has been decided on, ask the doctor about the degree of physical discomfort your partner may experience and the relevant interventions. It is difficult to watch a loved one in pain, but the more you know in advance about pain remediation the less helpless and frightened you will feel.

? Do not feel guilty if your partners treatment choices and interventions are ineffective. Rather, encourage your partner to lean on you so that together you can deal with disappointments that may arise.

? Whether or not the treatment choices and interventions are successful, be sure to broach the subject of end-of-life wishes. This often delicate discussion can start with a statement like, I know its hard to talk about, but if things do not turn out as we hope they will Id like to know specifically what you want in terms of life support, final arrangements, and any other special requests you may have. I intend to make sure your wishes are honored.

? Obtain a copy of your states advance directive document so that choices can be recorded and, if necessary, a surrogate decision-maker can be named. These forms are readily available on the Internet.

? Infuse your lives with fun and relaxation as treatment allows. Do things you take pleasure in together, such as holding hands, embracing, and being physically intimate if that is important to both of you.

Hearing my husband refer to his diagnosis as a death sentence, I thought we would never laugh, have fun, or make love again. Fortunately, I was wrong. He subsequently obtained the doctors okay to travel if he was up to it. So we flew to Paris, where we forgot about cancer and lived in the moment. We then set up a new apartment in Hawaii and laughed while deciding on refrigerators and cabinets. While he was sadly unable to move into the apartment, the joy we shared setting it up further fortified our partnership as we faced the very difficult days ahead.
Therefore, coping with a partners terminal diagnosis ultimately means remembering that it is okay to laugh and have fun. The positive energy provides a cushion for the tougher times aheadand also shapes precious memories that can be retrieved anytime they are needed.

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